China hasn’t been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.
China hasn’t been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.
Again, both are shitty. In fact, not just both, but all. All hierarchical power structures are just plain evil. I’m not interested in parsing which evil is more evil. The Chinese government is an evil institution. The US government is an evil institution.
I meant, is hosting it locally something someone without a coding background can do easily
Why do you have to pick one or the other? Can we not recognize that the governments of western nations and the government of China are all evil institutions that cause far more harm than they ever could benefit?
This is just pure Chinese state propaganda. Taiwan has been an independent country since 1949.
I tried asking ChatGPT how a fictional character in a story I was writing would go about rigging a tesla cybertruck to light on fire without the police catching him. It wrote out a pretty detailed scene, but glossed over the specific actions. So I asked it to get more detailed in how it would change the wiring of the car. Then it wiped away the entire conversation (including previous responses) and said it couldn’t talk about that right now.
Is this something someone without a coding background can do easily?
This History of Rome – Pretty much exactly what the title says. This is an old podcast. It started in 2007 and finished in 2013. It pioneered the history podcast genre. It was made by Mike Duncan, who went on to create…
Revolutions – Mike Duncan’s follow up to The History of Rome. It’s a similar format, but rather than a single on-going historical narrative, each season focuses on a different historical revolution. The original run of the show covered the English Revolution, American, French, Haitian, Spanish-American, 1830 French Revolution, 1848 European Revolutions, Mexican, and Russian Revolutions. He then concluded the podcast in 2022, but started it back up again late last year. This season is a fictionalized podcast about the Martian Revolution of the 24th century (told as a history from someone living well in the future of it). He’s said that once he’s done this season he’s going back to doing historical revolutions picking back up after the Russian Revolution.
“It is what it is”
I’m not a fan of ‘starter packs’
I mean, if that’s what makes you feel fulfilled in life, you do you.
I can say that I’ve spoken with a lot of elderly people looking back on their lives and it’s nearly unanimous that they all say they’d wish they’d spent less time at work and more with their family. I’ve never once heard someone say the opposite.
I’m in my late 30s, so still pretty young, but with a bit more experience than you. I can tell you that your employer will never care about you beyond what financial benefit you bring. They’ll never be there for you when you hit hard times. They’ll never help support you when you need it. They’ll never be your shoulder to cry on or provide you emotional support. That’s what friends and family are for.
Focus on your career if that’s what you want right now, but be mindful of where you might be in 10, 20, or 30 years or where you want to be. Finding a partner in life doesn’t just happen because you’re successful in your career or expect it should. You need to put effort into making that happen. If you don’t know what you want out of life, now is the time to experiment to figure that out. Do you want to be a career-driven person who spends most of their time selling your labor to someone else? Do you want to build a business you own yourself? Do you want to have kids and a family? Do you want to travel and experience a lot of the world?
These are questions only you can answer for yourself. You don’t need to have the answers now, but now is the time to start figuring out those answers.
I don’t agree.
These fascists are all following the political ideology and strategies laid out by Curtis Yarvin under the pseudonym Mencius Moldbug. He’s been in the orbit of people like Peter Thiel for 10+ years and has been very influential among the tech oligarch crowd.
His vision centers around creating a tech-oriented monarchy for America. At the top would be the president who would operate more like the Chairman of the Board in a corporate structure. Rather than governing on a day-to-day basis, this President/King would appoint a CEO to oversee the actual management of government. That’s the role Musk has taken on.
Trump appoints Musk to do the actual running of the country to accomplish what Trump wants accomplished while letting Trump seem above the fray (at least that’s the intention, Trump is too incompetent to actually stay above the fray). Musk isn’t a red herring. He’s not diverting from anything. He’s just the guy doing the job so Trump can go golf all day.
If the state represented the people, why does the Chinese government kill workers who try to organize so damn much? It’s because the state =/= the people. What you described is just capitalism where the state is one of the capitalist class. The difference with the US is that the US government is owned by the capitalist class rather than being one of it.