Then you should really look into setting up a personal VPN. After that what you use to do calendar becomes irrelevant in terms of access.
Then you should really look into setting up a personal VPN. After that what you use to do calendar becomes irrelevant in terms of access.
Who do you want to have access to said calendar?
OSINT Shows U.S. Deploying More Arms and Troops to Israel, Cyprus and Jordan
Close to 80 U.S. military planes and dozens of leased civilian aircraft are hauling equipment, with massive arms airlift to Israel and Cyprus and fighter squadrons and special forces in Jordan
See also the fake aid bullshit that serves no one but Israeli interests:
And also:
Over the past year, numerous outlets have reported that US and UK military aircraft have increasingly arrived at Britain’s RAF Akrotiri base in Cyprus last year, in an effort to reportedly assist Israeli forces in their offensive on Gaza by supplying arms and ammunition and conducting surveillance to collect and provide intelligence.
Or you know, even before Oct 7th, when Israel was already and still an apartheid ethno state practicing ethnic cleansin: https://www.army.mil/article/267671/u_s_army_convoy_operation_to_israel
Sure the US troops aren’t firing the bullets. But they are supplying them, supplying targeting intelligence, etc etc. That’s pretty much just as bad.
Fuck this thing veneer of respectability.
As opposed to now, when Biden actually US troops in to help Israel?
Meanwhile… https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/02/21/voice-chapter-6/