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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024

  • Doug: “Hey Vince you really know how to put the “D” in R&D”

    Vince “Thisfugginguy, you used that joke last year ya dunce”

    Doug: “And did it get a RISE outta ya then?”

    Vince: “The balls on this guy! Go back to sellin boner pills, it’s whatcha good at.”

    Donnie: “Alright, alright, adjourn?

    Rest: “Adjurn”

    Donnie: stumbles “Motherfuckers! Who tied my shoelaces to the swivel chair! Ya all fired!”

  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here. It may be in our best interest to nominate a milquetoast candidate for the presidency in 2028 and for the republicans to win it.

    That way when 2030 comes around, the house is packed with progressives, as the party in charge usually fares poorly in the midterms.

    Why all of that? Well, because the congress in 2030 gets to draw the election district maps after the 2030 census, and for the next decade, progressives could then be represented accurately.

    Now, a solid counter argument is what about the courts? And that’s valid, we likely can’t get both in the short to medium term. The best we could maybe hope for is a blue 2026 in the Senate, which could then accept judges that both the president and the senate agree upon. I think there is a case for some liberalesque populist judges to get through.

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