Nah what you’re doing is textbook gaslighting. Not to mention, putting words in my mouth. You wanna have a level headed conversation, I’m down, but if you’re gonna continue to let emotion take over, I’m out.
Nah what you’re doing is textbook gaslighting. Not to mention, putting words in my mouth. You wanna have a level headed conversation, I’m down, but if you’re gonna continue to let emotion take over, I’m out.
Your weird attempts at gaslighting aren’t working dude
K live in your fantasy bubble and revise history all you want, not even a decade ago Teslas were considered very good cars, and the only viable electric option for some. Not hard to figure out why people bought them then, just like it’s not hard to figure out why people are selling them now.
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network…
Until relatively recently, if you were an American who wanted to buy an electric car and wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t be stranded somewhere with a dead battery, Tesla was literally the only option.
They used to encourage people to use a serial cable to program them. I remember when I got my Roomba nearly ten years ago, it came with a little pamphlet advertising their educational platform robot, which was basically a Roomba without the vacuum cleaning stuff. I think they intended it to be sort of the next step up from LEGO Mindstorm or something. But at the bottom of that pamphlet, there was a paragraph that basically said “hey you can get this educational robot, buuuut, the one you just bought has the exact same connections, firmware, and hardware 👀👀👀”
Is the Lemmy version of “lawyer up, hit the gym” basically just “cut contact with family at the slightest insult”?
I think I’d be pretty screwed. I’d most likely be living in some remote, forgotten village, trying to eke out enough of a living to pay the local lord for the privilege, while trying to avoid my home being raided by Aiel, or Seanchan, or Dragonsworn, or one of the other dozen armies roaming the countryside. Or maybe I’d be serving in one of those armies, fodder for the front lines, going up against enemies with no qualms about using the One Power for killing.
There’s a tiny, remote chance that I could be studying in one of the schools in Cairhien or Caemlyn, trying to push technology out of the dark ages, which would be pretty cool. But that still comes with the risk of being a target of Darkfriends and the Forsaken, which is less cool.