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Anyone else struggling to avoid Amazon because of the price of some things? I need 3M Tegaderm for example and on Amazon it cost 28€ for 10cm by 10m roll and on other sites that are not Amazon I can only find it for pretty much double the price ( has it for 58,40€ and has it for 49,60€ Stuff like this really makes it difficult.
Anyone know where I can find this as cheap as on Amazon or at least not much more expensive?
It isn’t that bad, I started to buy locally and it’s true that sometimes it is a bit more expensive but just for a few euros, and sometimes it is the same price.
I also found that if you look for the original vendor site you’ll find it probably cheaper than amazon.
And on the other hand cancelling prime will save me 50€ a year.
Let’s not sell our souls and destroy our local economies for saving a few bucks that won’t go anywhere anyway.