Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Thursday.
Other Nordic countries are also once again at the top of the happiness rankings in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the top four and in the same order.
Country rankings were based on answers people give when asked to rate their own lives. The study was done in partnership with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.
A long fucking story that no Finns believe.
Despite me still having the scars and photos to prove it.
Cops deleted the video material.
Tried charging them and reaching out to oikeuasiamies the ombudsman, and they refused to accept fault either.
But do tell if you think cutting of water from a person in active psychosis (because you refused to give them their prescribed medications as “unnecessary”), who’s actively bleeding, after he’s not slept for three days, is, idk… appropriate and in accordance with Finnish values? (Because it’s not in accordance with the universal declaration of basic human rights)
Its pretty hard to belive it when every encounter i personally have with police has been good and fair and everyone i know to hate “pigs” hate them because they have broken the law themself. I think my experience is pretty common one and to me personally, one person ranting online is not enough to change my lifelong experience.
What pictures are you talking about? The one about the holding cell? That in its self does not mean anything.
This is what I mean.
How in the hell do you defend keeping someone locked up when they don’t eat or don’t sleep and you keep their PRESCRIBED antipsychotics from them.
I have doctors statements showing my bleeding and infected arma from after that treatment. I’ve a psychotherapist’s diagnosis of PTSD of it
I wouldn’t have believed it before it happened, but it did.
And you have literally zero empathy and willfully ignore the evidence. Just claim “no didn’t happen that’s probably faked image”.
Have you ever tries eating a part of your own body? I chewed the end of pinky off, a I could use it as a paintbrush.
300 words. WORDS. ON MY OWN BLOOD.
Just pleased explain to me how it makes sense in your little head that putting me in an isolation cell “for my protection”, while under constant supervision, someone would let this happen?
They also deleted the footage. Want to hear the phone call with my lawyer when he talks about it?
You still wouldn’t believe it.
This is exactly what I mean. Deluded people excusing authoritarianism, because “oh but the police were always polite to me”.
Youre deluded and doing hardcore avoidance, which is endemic to Finland or at least Finns and that’s been my point all the time.
Want to put a reminder for two years because ECHR takes years to handle human rights violation cases.
I starred filming the cops the instant they forced my door open and came into my apartment without a permission. (Search warrants aren’t like in the US, but you do need to be a senior constable to be able to decide it, neither of them were.)
The 6s bit I managed to film I used, and Korkein oikeus agreed with me.
You’re just deluded. Willfully ignorant. Guess what things that leads in a society? "Oh everything is well, these well documented abuses definitely don’t happen because officers on the street know how to smile at me at traffic stops.
I never had a single issue with cops either. Until they abused me.
You trust you have rights because they’re in the law. Unfortunately doesn’t matter at all. The cops investigating themselves? Guess if they found fault about themselves?
In the US at least there’s people who demand their rights, which is why they can’t have entirely cases mistrialed, because there’s actually people in the US who believe and understand people have rights.
You don’t even have the capacity for empathy, much less an understanding of human rights or standing up for justice.
I dont think you understood my point and to be honest i did wrote it badly.
If you can, take a step back and think pragmatically.
On the one side is the experiences that you and your close circle has. So long in your life everybody who has had the opposide opinion have been untrustworthy persons.
Then the other side. Random person on random forum ranting and telling tales that sound impossible and goes against all of your personal experiences while being agressive and rude.
Can you see why people wont respond well to you?
Also about the hs link you provided is behind paywall. Is this the case in question? isint this a victory? Police did wrong and korkeinoinoikeus fixed it. Sure its shitty for it to be a long prosess, but things with law are slow. No way around it.
About the holding cell incident. I just need some proof other than random picture of something that you say is a holding cell.
Also legal system and prisons in USA are joke, it way too broad subject to speak in here, but if somebody says their private owned prisons, three strike system, legal slavery and system that does nothing to rehabilate prisoners is better than system in Finland i automatically think that they are either uninformed or stupid.
Also cannabis should be legal.
Fuck right off.
I he heard that a million times. You refusing to accept reality doesn’t mean I haven’t considered I’m wrong.
“You and your close circle”
No. Fucking Finland. More human rights violations than the rest of the Nordics combined.
You’re just another delusional sääntöhuora who is literally unable to accept reality
Please give me a version of what happened to that cell which you think is legal and proper.
You and Kusimulkku are textbook examples of the sickening trait I’m talking about.
Oh they “fixed it” huh? The cops didn’t get any sanctions at all. I didn’t get even a letter informing me I was right. Had to read it from the papers.
In the US, where this sort of sääntöhuoraaminen isn’t a natural trait unlike it is for Finns, the whole trial would’ve been mistrialed and I’ve would’ve actually got compensation.
But no.
People like you disgust me.