Hitler specifically called the U.S. treatment of indigenous people an inspiration, and used it as his basis for treating Jews, gays, communists, intellectuals, and all the other victims of the Third Reich. tRump and his Fourth Reich is just coming full circle.
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Some of you may die, which is a sacrifice, I’m willing to make.
i think you make some nuanced points.
fixing things is messy and sometimes, even your enemies can deliver improvements. i’m not so mired in politics i can’t see objectively. i still think the administration should be toppled by any means necessary if we want to truly save america from eternal dystopia.
I’m inclined to ask you to re-read your comment because I really can’t make sense of it.
The first paragraph doesn’t make much sense at all given how it is written. In the second you say “it saved the country,” and if you’re trying to say that forcefully deporting people out of America without reason or due process “saved the country” you’re 100% going to have cite a source, or at least give a reason for why you think that’s true.
I think in the first paragraph, he meant El Salvador. Said country had huge gang violence problem which Bukele improved, but at the cost of severe human rights violation.
Given the edit, I think you’re right even though the post is clearly about Trump deporting people without due process.
I get what he’s saying, but he added like no context so everyone is confused (including him because he seems to not realize the OP is about Trump)
The president of El Salvador is famous for taking a “hard stance” on gangs, by basically doing the same thing Trump is doing. He rounded up thousands of suspected gang members and threw them into forced labor camps without any kind of due process. That’s why Trump is sending these immigrants to El Salvador, because the president is a vicious dictator who doesn’t care about human rights.
It has been a massive scandal for a while in LatAm news, but it’s the same tired old strongman bullshit you see in many places in South/Central America (and now in the north too!). Effective propaganda and control over the military means the problem won’t be solved without foreign intervention and/or a spontaneous combustion event involving government leaders.
Dachau didn’t open until 3 months after Hitler took power. They are right on track.
Reminder that before all this El Salvador was sweeping up anyone and I mean anyone they found on the street during their sweeps and throwing them in huge overcrowded cells to await mass trials without representation.
even more damning that the populace has cheered for it; non of the human right abuses matter so long as it’s not them.
Remember kids, fascism only ends one way.
Yeah no viva Bukele
People saying “if you arrest all those gang members economy will collapse because even though they get their money from illicit activities they still spend it back into the economy”
Nayib Bukele “dude are you fucking stupid?” they arrested the violent criminals and the ones that organized themselves in violence promoting bands… and they GDP went up by like 5% I believe? mainly because honest working people didn’t have to struggle against the villain.
Nah those pieces of shit are there for a reason, society and tolerance are a social contract… you respect it and you fall under it, you don’t then you feck off.
Did you catch the words “without proof”, and “without due process” in the OP? It would appear that these people pictured are innocent.
“Accused of being gang members” lmao let’s be clear here 90% of these dudes literally have gang tattoos 🙈
Also you can cover tattoos at any time, it’s not that hard.
I’ve been in the tattoo scene since the 90s and have a full body of tattoos myself and everybody knows that a gang tattoo is a point if no return and basically the dumbest thing you can do. If you went there then I have zero sympathy for you.
Even if they are gang members they still should have due process and a trial. This is one of the foundations of our legal system. Where does that leave us if we just leave it to law enforcement to throw anyone in prison without any oversight? That’s straight up authoritarianism you’re arguing for.
Can you point out the criminal statue against certain tattoos? After that would you mind showing me where they were convicted for those tattoos. Then I’d appreciate a link to the federal sentencing guidelines on tattoo-related offenses that suggest forced labor camps overseas.
But they’re innocent until there’s proof of guilt. Sending people to forced labour encampments because of their tattoos is just a different nazi move.
This administration really shows how little of a fuck the party that won’t stop jerking themselves off about the constitution actually give about what it says.
What are you talking about. This is El Salvador not US.
Have a read of the article old bean. They are being sent to El Salvador from the US, in violation of any number of US laws, including the big one, the Constitution of the USA.
Nah dude you shouldn’t expect non-americans to keep up with clown show. Keep your clowns in your clown car.
Lmao, that’s your response to not reading the article before commenting? Talk about clowns…
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Then why are you here, clown?
You mean on a global platform on a global community?
Is that your stance on immigration then? Clowns in wrong car? Because that’s a shit stance on immigration that is.
What? I’m not an American
I’m not a Dyson sphere. But what do either of these items have to do with our conversation?
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Even if 99% of them are actually gang member, then there is still a bunch of innocent people locked up. Using the word ‘accused’ or ‘suspected’ isn’t meant to cause doubt, it’s to make clear they haven’t been convicted. I really wouldn’t want to be falsely accused and treated as these men are, and it’s really awful knowing some of them could be there without having done anything wrong.
“innocent until proven to have tattoos”
The picture on the left is from when the prison first opened, so won’t show any of the deportees
Oh hell. OTOH, I’d imagine we have no reason to think it’s looking better these days.
Still, thanks for the correction, I took that as I found it.
A little reminder, apparently Salvadorians are loving Bukele for this.
I tried reminding them that, removing due-process is a can-of-worms that you rather not open
Thanks to modern technology we can watch the whole thing unfold in real time!
It seems this new technology is not much benefit in stopping it? Observers are great, powerless and disorganized ones not so much.
It’s a European tradition to spectate torture and execution for entertainment.
Too many people live in willful ignorance
You can see the obvious big picture and scream from the rooftops, but everyone who is comfortable enough and in denial that things are actually that bad straight up just ignore you
It’s only now that people are starting to get their wakeup calls, like a lot of Europe, for example
But god, if it isn’t super frustrating to watch the local news in my European country and have politicians repeatedly say “nobody thought we would be standing here talking about this 4 years ago”
I did, fuckers! I did!! The fascist threat was obvious ever since the first trump presidency, and the trends could clearly be seen from even before then, however, I was a child at that time
I don’t get it. Especially because politicians are supposed to be the experts in trends like this. Is everyone just fucking clueless??
I swear most people are just so neoliberal ideology brained, and heavily struggle seeing anything outside of that. It’s been a massive failure on the part of society that political philosophy has not been a bigger part of the education curriculum. Or part of it, at all.
This sums it up nicely
I’m not sure how relevant this is outside the USA; but when I was helping build grassroots for social activism in Texas - I realized people had forgotten how! Their grandparents could, and did. I saw it as a child.
But something happened over two generations, and the knowledge was not handed down, or was not applicable when things changed so much .
I remember enough to know critical things in the community is missing. I suspect a major missing piece is that people stay indoors too much.
Same in Germany. I don’t know what it is either but I’m convinced it’s related to the loneliness epidemic among the younger generation. People have seemingly stopped connecting in meaningful ways in general. No more religion, no more sports teams, working from home and getting your social interaction fix through social media. I think all of this is seriously starting to take its toll.
Everybody works too much yet they can’t afford anything. Going out to do anything costs money and not a trivial amount, and everyone’s too tired after working so much to go anyways. Combined with bad work schedules it makes for a truly antisocial combination. Consider the fact that at one point in the 20th century the average British man spent more at the bar than he did on housing. That’s not good for your liver but the point stands that it’l was possible to do that and not anymore.
You see, it isn’t so bad, they can sit up!
“Accused without proof” excuse me what they literally have the gang signs tattoo’d on their skin. Are we gonna pretend that people get tattoos of criminal gangs but are actually not part of it?
Jesus christ el salvador was one oft the deadliest countries in the world. People were going to work in the morning and there was a big chance of not getting home alive. The population celebrates bukele, as the country plunged from like 40 homicides per 100.000 people in 2019 to 1.9 per 100.000 people.
How do we know they all have tattoos? There was no trial and we only have the worthless word of an administration that lies constantly. Why are you so trusting of a proven liar?
It’s because he’s racist. We have to stop assuming that people are talking in good faith. If somebody says something like that you know they suck and you don’t have to give them the benefit of them doubt. Some people are just bad people and it’s their fault for being bad
Tattoo of a gang sign or a rose with their family members’ names on it. Either or.
Breaking news, Mother of a suspected gang member tells the BBC she believes he is innocent, even though she lives over 1000 miles away.
Yeah I’d trust the mother over the Trump administration. As we all know Trump always tells the truth right? there are also other examples… https://www.aol.com/man-deported-el-salvador-under-154120491.html
Yes, if you go on with that drastic measures, you are bound to hit innocent people aswell - just as ukraine is bound to kill innocent civilians by bombing russian infrastructure, despite all their attempts to mitigate those.
I don’t think you guys understand the severity of the situation that has been cooking down there.
Having been in a gang ≠ in a gang. Lots of people wear school runs that are long long out of school, provide evidence of an actual crime instead like our constitution and bill of rights demand you fucking authoritarian simp.
Cover the tattoo then?
If you’re going through asylum you’re not supposed to unless directed to, it’s evidence.
No idea about asylum that’s not what I was commenting about.
It’s the subject of the article and your original comment and it’s a bit late to backtrack now…
Just saw the meme not the article.
It’s in the meme too.
Having been in a gang ≠ in a gang
Shows how little you know about el salvador. People who have gang tattoos are either in a gang or dead. A criminal gang is not a club you can leave whenever you feel like it. Hell, even here in the west, people who try to leave the banditos or the hells angel often end up dead, and you think in el salvador, the (at that point) most murderous country in the world, they can just quit?
provide evidence of an actual crime
The thing is, I’m as libertarian as you can get in the west. However, unlike most of you drones, I do recognize that at some point, being a civilized human stops working. Do you really think you can “reason” with criminal gangs that have been controlling your country for over a decade? Are you also one of those clowns that keep crying “No no no do not send ukraine weapons, you just have to TALK with putin!!!111 :(((((((((”?
Is the situation down there good? Absolutely not. Are a lot of innocent people being caught in the crossfire? Absolutely.
I’m not in favor of that at all, but I do recognize it’s the only way. Just like an infection that has progressed too long untreated, the only option is amputation of the affected limb. And el salvador had previous governments fail on every possible level.
And the people of el salvador probably are happy they can leave their houses again without being shot. Bukele has incredibly high approval ratings, often above 90%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_the_Nayib_Bukele_presidency
I work with ex gang members you’re wrong and your ancedotal bullshit means nothing. Prove an actual crime like the goddamn constitution and bill of rights demand. If you’re accused of something I’d want them to prove that as well, what kind of racist fucking bigot do you have to be to say fuck it no due process for these people and moreover how absolutely fucking stupid do you have to be to expect that not to be precedent to imprison other people without due process like I dunno… You dipshit.
I work with ex gang members
You don’t. At least not in el salvador.
Prove an actual crime
I know this might be a hard concept for you to grasp, but I can’t just fly to el salvador now and check the crime history of every single person in jail right now.
goddamn constitution and bill of rights demand
Of course you’re an american LMAO.
Unlike you, I’ve been in el salvador in 2016 because my (Ex) girlfriends family lives there. I’ve seen first hand how fucked up the country is and I’ve talked to the people there. I’ve paid roughly 900€ (in dollar tho) to people who wanted to rob me in the streets. During my 1 week stay, I’ve seen 3 people getting shot. That’s 75% of all people I’ve seen getting shot.
You fucking americans know NOTHING about the world outside of america. You just assume everything is the same as in your fucking country and apply your moral standards while never being anywhere near that country. You don’t put any effort into learning about the situation and thinking about: “Hmm what could be done about it?”. Seriously, what would you do to fix a country with over 100 homicides per 100.000 people? What would you do to fix a country where your children, parents or friends are more likely to get shot than in any other country on this planet? Good luck talking with criminals that ran your country for over a decade. Surely that will go well.
Honestly I hope trump runs your fucking country into the ground and just takes you off the internet like north korea so I don’t have to endure your sleezy, naive and clueless bullshit anymore. You morons make me sick.
I have worked with Salvadorans and some of them were former gang members, it’s really not uncommon in low income neighborhoods in much the same way it is in the United States.
Then you don’t have time for justice you have time for mob violence, you’re a gang member not a citizen with a civic duty. Get a tattoo of Mussolini on your face or some shit, get out the closet and be a proud thug just like you’re accusing these people of being.
It’s an American issue so yes the constitution applies, what did you think applied Estonian federal law?
They were deported from America you absolute bafoon.
I hope you get a clue and stop being so angry shit you couldn’t be bothered to look into or even read.
They were deported from America you absolute bafoon.
Every single gang member was deported from america? Absolutely, makes a lot of sense. 100 points for gryffindor. El Salvador had 0 crime before trump happened.
I don’t even know what to tell you. You’re in denial beyond imagination, not knowing shit about the country you’re trying to judge.
Go fix your own country first. You got a lot of fixing to do.
The ones we we’re talking about in this article about deportation were deported, yes go figure.
I suggest you learn English because nothing you’ve said makes a damn bit of sense. You sound like a broken LLM.