Come at me scrublord I’m ripped
Come at me scrublord I’m ripped
Oh, you’re just a fucking moron. Gotcha.
Get triggered more, snowflake
Uhhhhh I don’t recall saying that
I genuinely want to know if it even helps people who feel triggered after reading the word. Does the * actually change things that much? Like you said, everyone knows what’s being said.
Ah yes thank God we avoided the Harris dictatorship
I think the 20man mythic is the perfect place when you add in game balance considerations.
We absolutely spoke up you fucking dolt
… is somehow fascist.
I don’t think anyone is saying it’s fascist. Just that it’s fucking stupid.
I’ve met plenty. They’re definitely real
Property damage is not violence, say it with me now
This administration really shows how little of a fuck the party that won’t stop jerking themselves off about the constitution actually give about what it says.
“I don’t care about this person’s suffering because they are here because of x instead of y”
I will however concede that there’s probably a greater percentage of the country protesting than there are/ would be in the US. Probably because they get better education and workers rights to be able to devote the time, and more walkable cities with better public transport to get there.
The stuff about tiktok and algorithms is definitely true, the rest I don’t think the average person would think about that in enough detail to do so nefariously, though maybe I’m the naive one