You know as a serving member that is not white, I am pretty damn offended by this.
As a service member, have you felt heard or respected by either political party?
All those fucks. Throwing big fucking temper tantrums about statutes. DOnT ERasE OuR HisToRy.
You are lying sack of shit and as racist as you can get. Just admit that you’re racist and hate black men almost as much as you hate women.
From the article …
Sgt. William Carney, a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry Regiment, was the first Black American to earn the Medal of Honor.
Huh, didn’t know they had DEI around then
a non Caucasian distinguished himself in a historic setting, quick kill it with fire, only Caucasians allowed
fucking ell USA, what the fuck is wrong with you
The south rose again
Our population is deeply, deeply stupid.
I myself have only begun to grasp the depths of their (our) collective stupidity
We’ve had a malignant cancer for centuries that suddenly came out of remission.
It’s called The South.
The same things that’re wrong with everywhere else, but all mixed up with each other and compacted into a smaller area.
Hooray for the melting pot.
Smaller area? The US is MASSIVE. What is this “multiculturalism is bad” bullshit? Get outta here with that.
Ima keep this in my back pocket for when chuds ask: “why do we need black history”?
Wtf not even mask off anymore, but flags flying
It’s official, I no longer respect the US military. Fucking fascist bootlickers.
Since fucking high school, and that’s 15 years ago. I have held firm that I do not support the military, but I do support the soldiers.
The men and women who actually serve have my respect. The institution and its leadership do not.
Denzel Washington reenacted the heroics of Sgt. William Carney in the movie “Glory.” The Pentagon removed a story about him for DEI reasons.
Would love to hear what Denzel Washington would say about this.
That’s an interesting notion about your CC license.
Some info about that …
Denzel Washington reenacted the heroics of Sgt. William Carney in the movie “Glory.” The Pentagon removed a story about him for DEI reasons. Would love to hear what Denzel Washington would say about this.
Are you gonna sue me???
Are you attempting to profit off the repost?
Yeah I’m gonna become a billionaire
Aw shit, we putting it to the test!