Oh, come on. About 90 million people listened to everyone and their (non-conservative) mother say how this might be the most important election, Trump won’t give up his power, they’re going to enact Project 2025, it’ll be nothing but a revenge tour, they’re fascists, a second Trump administration is an existential threat to this country, Trump is compromised, this administration will end American democracy, the people who stood in his way last time aren’t around any more, etc… 90 million people heard this… then still chose to stay home and let this happen. I’m sorry Biden/Harris didn’t sweep us off our feet, but we deserve this. Don’t you dare say we “tried” voting against it.
Well, you can’t vote fascists out, but historically speaking they’ve always been voted IN. Authoritarianism is always a degeneration of liberalism. When people get fat and lazy, shit like this happens. Weak men creating hard times ect.
Districts still matter when it comes to voter suppression measures. Less polling stations, requiring voters vote only in their district, purging voters, etc.
You sort of can by adding new states, which has been done before, splitting existing states into 2 to get more senators and electoral college votes. It is harder to keep this hidden though.
About 90 million people listened to everyone and their (non-conservative) mother say how this might be the most important election
We get told this every election, but then democrats cooperate with republicans every step of the way. Most recently, democrats had an opportunity to force a government shutdown and use that as leverage against the republicans, but instead they instantly folded like they always do. I recognized this pattern when Obama promised hope and change but then mostly continued Bush’s policies when he got elected (e.g. corporate bail-outs, deportations, and warmongering). Democrats follow republicans as they journey further and further to the right.
Sheldon S. Wolin talked about the fact that the US system was a “managed democracy” and a form of “inverted totalitarianism” in his book Democracy Inc about twenty years ago. In a managed democracy the pretense of democratic voting is maintained, but the system is so heavily managed as to render voting ineffective and largely irrelevant. The US voting system is so heavily gamed that to expect the average US citizen to have any power through the ballot box is laughable.
Wow, personal insults, classy. And “people who did what they could”…? Are we reading the same words?? I’m calling out my fellow Americans who decided not to do all they could. Those who literally didn’t do the absolute minimum to prevent all of this: gestures broadly at the everything by voting. And I’m not acting above it or anything. Maybe I should have done more outreach? Apparently we didn’t hammer home the dire consequences clearly enough…?
Still, what in my rant makes you think I’m targeting anyone who made any effort at all?? I’m saying to people who did nothing: they and we need to do better. We literally won’t have a country anymore otherwise…
There’s no insults here. Obviously. Like it or not, we as a country are in this together, so we have to do better. Until then, we deserve this until we can get off our asses.
See, this stuff with putting other people down, it just makes me wonder if there’s not anything in your own life to feel positive about? Like, what are you proud of, for yourself?
no, see, it’s nominally a ‘your mom’ joke, but the punch line is that even she made an exception for me, because im (depending on how SFW and sentimental you want to make it) unlovable/unfuckable.
and those last two are very different questions with very different answers.
there’s a list. the stuff that wouldn’t dox me and isn’t either a crime, or likely to be a crime pretty soon, or effectively a crime even if there’s never been a law against it?
I’ve saved a few peoples lives. or played a substantial role I’m not confident someone else would and could have in doing so.
I’ve done a lot of hospice. a few of them recovered, which I’m proud of despite it absolutely not being my doing. I think it’s kind of reflexive, which is also something I’m pretty proud of.
I’m a really fucking good cook.
my concept of love is I think a lot less fucked by existing power structures than most, and given where I come from; I think putting anything that wasn’t 99% abuse together was pretty long odds.
I have a pretty good sense of humor, and I’m a pretty good writer when I have my shit remotely together.
I’m ridiculously hard to kill. I have healed from a lot of stuff that would make most people give up. or at least survived it, in the case of some of the emotional shit. I can’t really talk about a lot of stuff I’ve been through with people, or show too much skin, or people get really upset and can’t look at me. mixed feelings on that one, but pride’s in there.
Excellent. Thanks for answering. This was really worth asking and I think that there’s ocean of good in you. I’m intrigued by “likely to become a crime pretty soon” but don’t feel you have to elaborate.
Oh, come on. About 90 million people listened to everyone and their (non-conservative) mother say how this might be the most important election, Trump won’t give up his power, they’re going to enact Project 2025, it’ll be nothing but a revenge tour, they’re fascists, a second Trump administration is an existential threat to this country, Trump is compromised, this administration will end American democracy, the people who stood in his way last time aren’t around any more, etc… 90 million people heard this… then still chose to stay home and let this happen. I’m sorry Biden/Harris didn’t sweep us off our feet, but we deserve this. Don’t you dare say we “tried” voting against it.
If Did Not Vote had been a candidate:
Well, you can’t vote fascists out, but historically speaking they’ve always been voted IN. Authoritarianism is always a degeneration of liberalism. When people get fat and lazy, shit like this happens. Weak men creating hard times ect.
The voting in the US is literally predetermined during redistricting and as real as the outcome of Wrestlemania so not sure what you’re talking about
Trump won the popular vote, all excuses are off this time.
You can’t redistrict the electoral college.
Districts still matter when it comes to voter suppression measures. Less polling stations, requiring voters vote only in their district, purging voters, etc.
You sort of can by adding new states, which has been done before, splitting existing states into 2 to get more senators and electoral college votes. It is harder to keep this hidden though.
We get told this every election, but then democrats cooperate with republicans every step of the way. Most recently, democrats had an opportunity to force a government shutdown and use that as leverage against the republicans, but instead they instantly folded like they always do. I recognized this pattern when Obama promised hope and change but then mostly continued Bush’s policies when he got elected (e.g. corporate bail-outs, deportations, and warmongering). Democrats follow republicans as they journey further and further to the right.
Sheldon S. Wolin talked about the fact that the US system was a “managed democracy” and a form of “inverted totalitarianism” in his book Democracy Inc about twenty years ago. In a managed democracy the pretense of democratic voting is maintained, but the system is so heavily managed as to render voting ineffective and largely irrelevant. The US voting system is so heavily gamed that to expect the average US citizen to have any power through the ballot box is laughable.
This is a pretty decent overview of the ideas in that book for anyone who is interested.
So you think it’s right to blame people who did what they could? Just because others voted against them? Prick.
Wow, personal insults, classy. And “people who did what they could”…? Are we reading the same words?? I’m calling out my fellow Americans who decided not to do all they could. Those who literally didn’t do the absolute minimum to prevent all of this: gestures broadly at the everything by voting. And I’m not acting above it or anything. Maybe I should have done more outreach? Apparently we didn’t hammer home the dire consequences clearly enough…?
Still, what in my rant makes you think I’m targeting anyone who made any effort at all?? I’m saying to people who did nothing: they and we need to do better. We literally won’t have a country anymore otherwise…
Mate you personally insulted every American. I’m an American. Don’t get mad at tit for tat.
You said we all deserve this. You didn’t just say it to those who do nothing.
There’s no insults here. Obviously. Like it or not, we as a country are in this together, so we have to do better. Until then, we deserve this until we can get off our asses.
you’re making it really fun to own you. thanks for siding with the fascists.
What kind of inferiority complex makes people claim they “own” others that they disagree with?
the kind that comes from being the one person on earth your mom said ‘no’ to.
See, this stuff with putting other people down, it just makes me wonder if there’s not anything in your own life to feel positive about? Like, what are you proud of, for yourself?
no, see, it’s nominally a ‘your mom’ joke, but the punch line is that even she made an exception for me, because im (depending on how SFW and sentimental you want to make it) unlovable/unfuckable.
and those last two are very different questions with very different answers.
Yeah, I get that, but you’re avoiding the question: what are you proud of, for yourself?
there’s a list. the stuff that wouldn’t dox me and isn’t either a crime, or likely to be a crime pretty soon, or effectively a crime even if there’s never been a law against it?
I’ve saved a few peoples lives. or played a substantial role I’m not confident someone else would and could have in doing so.
I’ve done a lot of hospice. a few of them recovered, which I’m proud of despite it absolutely not being my doing. I think it’s kind of reflexive, which is also something I’m pretty proud of.
I’m a really fucking good cook.
my concept of love is I think a lot less fucked by existing power structures than most, and given where I come from; I think putting anything that wasn’t 99% abuse together was pretty long odds.
I have a pretty good sense of humor, and I’m a pretty good writer when I have my shit remotely together.
I’m ridiculously hard to kill. I have healed from a lot of stuff that would make most people give up. or at least survived it, in the case of some of the emotional shit. I can’t really talk about a lot of stuff I’ve been through with people, or show too much skin, or people get really upset and can’t look at me. mixed feelings on that one, but pride’s in there.
Excellent. Thanks for answering. This was really worth asking and I think that there’s ocean of good in you. I’m intrigued by “likely to become a crime pretty soon” but don’t feel you have to elaborate.