but there’s something in a lot of our brains that wants to be the cool adult, chill with the kids and all that. often i half knowingly make sure my hair is looking good when there’s some teenagers in a bus. it’s not logical but idk, teens are brutally honest so if they approve of your vibe (by not making fun of you) - that means you’re cool, i think?? no idea
Why would you care whether random kids in a bus discus your “coolness”?
Probably instinct from having to survive elementary school.
Why would someone not act 100% rationally 100% of the time?
logically you shouldn’t obviously
but there’s something in a lot of our brains that wants to be the cool adult, chill with the kids and all that. often i half knowingly make sure my hair is looking good when there’s some teenagers in a bus. it’s not logical but idk, teens are brutally honest so if they approve of your vibe (by not making fun of you) - that means you’re cool, i think?? no idea