Can you help me achieve things from this short list*
- General Programming
- Web Development
- Learn JavaScript and React
- Rust Programming
- Python Programming
- Learn Nix and NixOS
- Learn Linux at deeper level
- Learn Japanese
- Learn GIMP
- Learn KDENlive
- Learn Blender
- Learn Godot
- Learn and Use Emacs
- Learn and Apply AIML and DS
- Get fit
- Land a Job at SE for paying the Bills
- Get Good at DSA skills ( aka Leetcode)
- Read Books
- Watch Good films (Not just action / Hype Train)
- Create a Second Brain / Zettelkasten
- Create and Run my own Server
- Build a PC according to my Needs
- Get Into mechanical Keyboards
- Learn Technical Writing
- Managing Time and Sleep
- Contribute to Open Source in a Meaningful Way
- Land a Internship
- Get Better at Driving in Indian Traffic
- Write More
- Type More
- Avoid Brain Rot
- Take Efforts
- Better at Public Speaking
- Manage College Grades / Studies
- Practice Relaxing
- Do Journalling
- Limit My Screen Time
- Have Fun and Be Happy
- Learn to Play OpenTTD
- Learn to Play Dwarf Fortress
- Learn to Play Gear City
- Learn to Play Factorio
- Touch More Grass
- Dedicate more energy and Time into Anki / FlashCards
- Stop being tired / Bored all the time
- Reduce Internet / Screen Time
- Travel More
Brother you need to prioritize.
Yes agree with this and categorise each into one set of broader goals, I suggest one is Programming, one could be Gaming etc. Then allocate time to each larger goal and order your sub “tickets” in there so you focus on one thing in a section at a time. For example, don’t learn Python and Rust at the same time, focus on one or the other (I’d probably suggest Python first as Rust has a very steep learning curve), but you can easily spend some time a week learning Python and some time learning Factorio, without the two things working against each other.
Edit: for Programming stuff the site ( is useful for giving you an opinionated task list. It’s not for everyone, but if you just want to know where to start you could go a lot further wrong than that.