
Russian special services recruited two Ukrainian teenagers, aged 15 and 17, to carry out suicide bomb attacks in Ivano-Frankivsk, promising $1,700.

The teens unknowingly transported homemade explosives disguised as thermoses, which Russian handlers detonated remotely, killing one and seriously injuring the other. The blast also injured two passersby.

A second explosion occurred at the teens’ rented apartment.

Ukrainian authorities charged the surviving teen with terrorism-related crimes and warned of a new Russian tactic of exploiting and eliminating operatives to cover tracks.

    5 days ago

    I believe that either all, or most, world-dominating-species go through this stage, after the industrial-revolutions stage…

    Multiply the effect of our action on our underlying-planet by 10,000-fold, without having us go through species-puberty, without forcing us into maturity,

    & the result is inevitable.

    Whether some subset of humankind can earn growing-up enough, & surviving, isn’t to be decided by our current-established-ignorance/irresponsibility…

    Giving-up on future-generations, & just knifing them all in the back, … may be emotionally valid, at the moment, among the privileged West, as it torches its own viability…

    but it’s still outright betrayal of future-generations…

    & anybody who goes through my comments will see that much of the time I’m guilty of giving-up on humankind…

    but while our normal, our default, our current establishment is net-negative, at planetary-scale, that doesn’t prove that this world’s humankind inherently is net-negative, that there’s no subset worthy of living on after we-the-majority-go.

    MOST of our kind need to go extinct, not necessarily the entire species, see?

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