Or they heard a noise and are investigating their territory.
But yeah. I definitely get the warm fuzzies when my little goblin wanders up from her living room tree to her office tree to hang out with me.
We have an incredibly verbal cat. He will respond to his name. He will announce himself in every single room he enters. He will continue to announce himself until he is acknowledged.
I wish I knew teaching a cat to speak was forbidden knowledge. She wakes me up at night just to let me know she claimed 80% of the bed, or the bottom of the bowl is visible.
Saying hi while passing each other is pretty cool though.
mine does this non-verbally; he’ll wait at the entrance to a room and wait for you to acknowledge him either through eye contact or voice and then; and only then; he’ll enter the room and usually with a tiny squeak of approval.
my cat:
Hey can opener, want to pet my belly?
If you’re not aware, a cat exposing their belly to you is a sign of trust, as it is their most vulnerable area. Touching their belly when they do that betrays that trust, which is why they attack you. It is not an invitation to touch their belly.
Unless it is an invitation. Four of mine love and ask for belly rubs, the fifth will seriously bite you. A&E seriously!
It depends on the cat, but most of the time it isn’t.
Yeah, it depends on the cat but in my experience 60% of cats love it, 20% really love it, and 20% will put you in hospital.
Scientists: “Your cohort is small and your study is flawed!”