Edison Motors is doing that in Canada for light duty trucks. I don’t think there’s much of a market for it outside that considering the insane amount of labor costs you’d encounter trying to retrofit a vehicle. Best to either sell the kits to DIYers or find those few unicorn buyers who’d be willing to hand you $100k-$200k for 6-12 months worth of labor on a one-off vehicle.
yeah it would have to be a preconfigured kit for specific vehicles/drivetrain platorms which could be installed in a few days. Transit vans, ford/chevy p/u suv. A popular compact car platform with unreliable drivetrain issues.
Edison Motors is doing that in Canada for light duty trucks. I don’t think there’s much of a market for it outside that considering the insane amount of labor costs you’d encounter trying to retrofit a vehicle. Best to either sell the kits to DIYers or find those few unicorn buyers who’d be willing to hand you $100k-$200k for 6-12 months worth of labor on a one-off vehicle.
yeah it would have to be a preconfigured kit for specific vehicles/drivetrain platorms which could be installed in a few days. Transit vans, ford/chevy p/u suv. A popular compact car platform with unreliable drivetrain issues.
I figure cost could come in below $20k depending.