Hi 👋 just shared the site with one of my buddies and he told me he doesn’t care much about it because there’s no way you’ll be 100% privacy enforced since you’re using an iPhone and sharing your location, name, birthdate , personal files, photos.
I’ve to say this gets to me but on the other side I’m also respectful of everyone‘s opinion because after all, this is what makes us special
How are you handling these circumstances usually, do you say something?
I would argue that, out of the two smartphone OSes available, iOS is the better choice for most people. They’ve done far more than Google at making sure nobody (even them), can access your data without your permission by putting encryption into a lot of their services.
In contrast, Google wants, and gets, access to everything about your life. And they’re more than willing to share that data with the government, or anyone that will pay them. And while the best option would be deGoogled Android, that’s something that most people aren’t going to be willing to use, even if they’re wising up to the need to take privacy seriously.
Privacy isn’t an all-or-nothing. Usually it’s better for each person to consider if they really need fully secure, or if a iPhone that does far more than the bare minimum at protecting their privacy is enough for them
2 is almost as bad as the all or nothing approach. I argue that while Apple is not trustworthy, they are not incentivized to collect every piece of information about you that they can. Conversely, android is an operating system created by an advertising company specifically to ensure an ongoing corner on their market. Asking the average person to use a DeGoogled OS is akin to telling them to switch to OpenBSD on their desktop.
Completely disagree. You can’t use iPhones with anything but iOS. And you can’t install any apps Apple hasn’t put their fucking rubber stamp and collected taxes on. For that reason, it is not and never will be viable. Not to mention being overpriced and disposable.
Android may be created by an advertising company but they also give you the ability to run whatever OS you want and strip it of Google’s proprietary software completely. These days you can install OS like Graphene by simply plugging in your phone and clicking buttons in your browser.
This is patently untrue, and a total misrepresentation of the facts. You can install other OSes on a rather small list of Android phones. Furthermore, while the user might just be clicking a few buttons, behind the scenes those buttons put into play a rather complex series of actions that break the protections put into place by Google and phone manufacturers to stop you from doing exactly that.
Saying that Google gives you the ability to install other OSes is like saying Sony gives you the ability to install other OSes on the Playstation. It isn’t true, Google never gave you that ability, the technical wizardry of white hat hackers did.
LOL what? No it isn’t.
How many iPhones can you install another OS on? That’s nothing to do with Android anyway, you’d have to talk to the OEMs and carriers about that, Google lets you do it on their phones.
No, it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
No, it’s not. There’s a toggle that Google put in the stock settings specifically for that purpose.
Kid, you’ve no fucking idea what I know, so stop with this adolescent shit. Your whole post is nothing more than you saying “nuh uh” to everything I wrote. If you’re going to argue about stuff, at least take the time to actually be fucking informed about what you’re talking about. I’ve been jailbreaking iPhones and taking apart Android since before you were old enough to even know what XDA is.
Well, take a look at LineageOS and the associated microg edition. They work on dozens of devices. I’ve been flashing ROM’s since the first Android phone and I’m still using my Pixel 2XL, degoogled. I still have my Moto X 2013 {with custim, now unusable ROM} because it is like a river rock. It feels great to hold.
Google phones have always been unlockable - primarily for the benefit of developers.
Calyx also offers a degoogled Android, focused on privacy like Graphene.
If one wants a phone and own it, Google is the only sure way right now.
You heard it right here on Privacy Guides, ladies and gents!