What do you mean by this? My searching isn’t bringing up any such cases, just Wisconsinites charged with Jan 6 crimes getting pardoned, so I’d be keen to read about it.
What like overriding state law and trying to order a state prison to release someone? I don’t get how that relates back to Wisconsin, what’s happening there?
What do you mean by this? My searching isn’t bringing up any such cases, just Wisconsinites charged with Jan 6 crimes getting pardoned, so I’d be keen to read about it.
Edit: Did you mean Minnesota? https://thehill.com/homenews/5180269-trump-derk-chauvin-pardon/
No, not like that. I meant being in control of state government.
What like overriding state law and trying to order a state prison to release someone? I don’t get how that relates back to Wisconsin, what’s happening there?