Well Obama didn’t have these glitches in 8 years, and Biden didn’t have these glitches for a combined 12 years, so if your level of success is only two months, you’re a fucking failure
Shouldn’t that read “it’s been only two months until this happened”?
Not physically being in a scif using SIPRnet is not a fucking glitch you fucking clown.
Well, ish… SCIFs are used for the collection, dissemination, and storage of Top Secret/SCI material. Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) is only cleared for up to secret level material. There are higher classification networks they should have been using instead.
It’s been only two months. The fuck has concentration camps in El Salvador, sucked putlers lepra dick twice a day, cratered the stock market, fucked up NATO, started a trade war with the civilized world, tried to extort Ukraine, threatened invasions of Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Venezuela.
And this is the only fuckup
Guys, where is your second ammendment? You let thousands of school kids die every year, for what?
We’re in the “if it happened, it wasn’t that bad” phase.
Our one glitch is from signal
Well, and the NRC
Our two glitches are from signal and laying off people at the NRC
Oh, there was also the misleading DOGE numbers
Three! Our three glitches were signal, the NRC, and misleading DOGE numbers.
And DOGE having a completely unprotected database of course.
Oh, dash it all.
Nobody expects the Trumpian Inquisition!
Ackshully we’re all braced for it
I really hope our saving grace is wannabe technocrats not understanding how technology works
His first glitch, eh. I would not want to be in the US military under these fuck-ups.
lol. This was the only glitch?
Remember when your dumb asses fired the people who maintain the nuclear stock pile?
(Who wants to go next?)
And the air traffic controllers…
Cancelled research into transgenics because it starts with “trans”
Removed Jackie Robinson’s page from a Department of Defense website because of their war on DEI, then had to backtrack and restore it because Robinson was famous enough that even a lot of the MAGAts out there felt uncomfortable about it
lol. This was the only glitch?
Remember when your dumb asses fired the people who maintain the nuclear stock pile?
That was all intentional. Everything he’s done to fuck up the US, the economy, and our relationship with our allies has all gone according to plan, because he’s an enemy to the United States and a domestic threat to our Constitution.
Trying to make it sound like a technical failure, not a massive show of incompetence and a huge security lapse by people who are unqualified for their jobs and shouldn’t have been communicating through those channels in the first place.
And “It’s the first time we’ve really fucked up inexcusably in a whole two months” doesn’t really work as a defense. Nor is it true.
I am not even sure if he knows what a glitch is on a technical level btw.
It is however his very very first admittance of a failure from his administration, so… yay? I see progress! /s
“We’re sorry you found out” is basically what he’s saying.
Trying to make it seem that they’re not actively breaking all the laws around record keeping for government business.
There’s no excuse for this.
I have only one objection to the otherwise very welcome criticism of the incompetence and deliberate misconduct, as well as the highly entertaining memes:
It’s been all too distracting from the question of why we were even bombing Yemen in the first place.
If I understand correctly (full disclosure, I may not) there are a group of politically motivated people that are using Yemen as a place to launch missiles at merchant vessels traveling to or from the Suez canal. As an attempt to bring attention to their political ideals.
The “how about her emails” crowd sure has changed their tune now
The Buttery Males stopped caring once they won. No amount of misconduct from their side will ever be recognised.
Good luck America, yer’ fucked.
We kill racists and fascists! In fact Europe had to have us come kill theirs too! We had to practice on our own, that’s why we’re good at it, and why we will always have to do it again every so often.
It takes everything they’ve got to keep the little bit of control on the country they think they have. All it takes for them to lose it, is 3.5% of us to step up. That’s why you can’t find any reporting on the protests and town halls here. We’re past critical mass, it just needs to hit home. People are organizing. Its coming.
Because the ignoring of congressional law and judicial orders is intentional but what are they going to do. impeach me. so sick of those guys I can’t wait till we start rounding them up and shooting them.
Trump dismisses Signal security failure as
“Our failure”.
Signal worked perfectly here: if you add a contact, they get the messages.
What failed was the Trumpist, like at everything else.
That’s…not how Signal works, but I appreciate your enthusiasm for the problem.
Also espionage. Pretty huge f’up.