also, womens opinions about you don’t mean shit either.
NO ONES opinions about you mean shit
As an older (55+) man, this has indeed been my life experience
Oh my my my, little pony.
This is cringe. Feminism is not supposed to erase queer folks nor antagonize men.
The humor, it could be argued, is in the idea that a fluffy colorful 80s cartoon for little girls would be teaching foul-mouthed radical feminism. Not everything is meant to be taken literally for fuck’s sake.
It ain’t the men’s opinion the women are listening to. We hardly notice when you cut your hair according to most women. It’s other women’s opinion that cause things like high heel to exist.
While I agree, I believe that high heels were invented by a man.
High heels were invented for men
Probably stole the invention from a women though. Lol. But doesn’t matter who invented, only why they are worn.
They come from horseriding, helps stay in stirrups