The mistake that everyone keeps making is assuming that when they say “traditional family” they mean the “husband, wife, and 2.5 kids” nuclear family. That’s not what they want. They are looking at an older tradition. They want slaves and concubines back.
The mistake that everyone keeps making is assuming that when they say “traditional family” they mean the “husband, wife, and 2.5 kids” nuclear family. That’s not what they want. They are looking at an older tradition. They want slaves and concubines back.
IE an actual traditional family, as very well defined in the Old Testament / Tanakh.
When you get to the New Testament, you end up with the uberconservative push for making divorce illegal citing Jesus himself.
Matthew 19:3-9
Notice how the presumption here is that only a man can divorce his wife, not the other way around.
The rule of Moses as understood by the Pharisee is that a man can serve a woman divorce papers, and that’s that.
What they can all agree on is women are second class citizens and should be subordinate to men.
Paul is quite famous for not permitting women to speak:
1 Corinthians 14:34
Traditional royal family
Including the incest.
You cut out the part that shows they’re sitting on a statue of two parrots fucking