Hell, if they genuinely do that, I might even consider switching sides.
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Hell, if they genuinely do that, I might even consider switching sides.
You had me at “run Doom”.
I saw that sign for sale before during one of the last times I visited the USA. I think it was a Spencer’s, but don’t hold me to that… it’s been a while, and my memory isn’t getting better with each passing year lol
The joke part, was that it was posted in a prominent locations, next to the employee break area… make of that what you will.
I keep getting error 429. Any chance you remember the basics and can share a summary?
And "piracy’ is critical for cultural and data preservation.
It is possible to increase the average of anything by eliminating the lower spectrum. So, just be careful what the you wish for lol
No tracking cookies, either lol
Lol!! Parents day actually extended to pets, too, and later (about a year or so before I left) also extended to (what is now known as) mental health day.
One time, one of my coworkers showed up to work with his kid, because the babysitter called in sick. My manager, without skipping a beat, told him to go home and be the best dad he possibly could, then, not only did she not use his sick time for this day, she made it a department policy to allow unlimited* “parent days”. One of the best managers I’ve ever had.
’ * Fine print was basically, don’t abuse it, but use it when you need it.
That may be true, but you gotta understand something, mate: this post was written by the village idiot.
It’s Lemmy, it’s what we do.
Immediately made me think of this hahaha
Answer: Microsoft bought it.
Jeff bezos probably
Phone apps are nothing more than modern toolbars. And in case you forgot or missed this phase of the internet…
Must be Ford Prefect within a couple days after being stranded on Earth. The only logical way they don’t know about branded clothing.