If you don’t have access to medication, the only thing I can think of is exercise. When you feel an episode coming on, perhaps it’s possible for you to manufacture a dose of brain juice for yourself by stimulating some natural release.
If you’re not the jog-a-mile or 50 pushups type, perhaps something like yoga, dancing, swimming or tai chi could work.
I doubt you’ll get the same degree of effect as a prescription, but it might be worth a shot at least.
One aspect that doesn’t get discussed enough is how effective their grassroots in predominantly young, male hobby spaces has become.
20 years ago, if you weren’t that interested in politics, you wouldn’t get much of it. Currently though, it has thoroughly infiltrated spaces like athletics and gaming. This was not an accident. They have a strong ground game, it just operates in spaces we’re unaccustomed to thinking about in reference to politics.