I have to wonder. P2025 has hit the ground running. Wouldn’t they have a contingency in place for just such an occasion? I’d bet they already have someone up their sleeves for the eventuality of him passing on his own. There is definitely someone up their sleeves for if we have another election. I do think there would be a vacuum. I think it would be short lived. We all suspect the gop is falling in line due to blackmail material. Their relief of the blackmailer being dead would be short lived when they realize he didn’t actually hold the cards. They’d all fall in line behind whoever the back room tells them to.
I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I can see every flaw people are saying as well. It’s kind of my guilty pleasure.
2 1/2 Men: Multiple stages really.
Jake getting older and the addition of his friend.
Alan turned from a down on his luck guy to blundering comic relief. It has its funny moments, but there is a lot of cringe to be had in that change.
Replacement of Charlie with Ashton. I know the crazy behind it. That said, he makes it completely unwatchable. He doesn’t carry nearly the same energy that Sheen does. The same dynamic doesn’t exist between him and Alan, character wise.
They dialed Alan’s blundering to 1000% after Charlie left.