Das Leid ist nicht das umdrehen sondern das in die Brücke fahren, da man nicht realisiert hat, dass man nicht durch passt.
Das Leid ist nicht das umdrehen sondern das in die Brücke fahren, da man nicht realisiert hat, dass man nicht durch passt.
Menschen die nicht regelmäßig hohe Fahrzeuge führen machen mehr Fehler wenn sie es dann mal tun. Das ist normal.
Nur weil es nicht erlaubt ist heißt das nicht dass die Leute selber schuld sind und ihr leid verdienen.
Auch das ist menschenfeindlich. Die Welt so zu bauen, dass sie Menschen vor Fehlern schützt und kommuniziert bevor etwas passiert ist gut.
You mental? Homesteading is not plausible for most since it requires a whole lot of money to buy an acceptable property in reach of their job. In particular Europeans. Also funding a business is a risky endeavor.
Gibt gute Gründe die Sicherheit sorum aufzuziehen: der Manipulant bekommt nicht mit, dass er erwischt werden wird.
My Lemmy instance only owns this account, not secondary accounts on separate websites
But why? Just use a password manager instead of tying your identity to a Lemmy instance which you do not control.
Having SSO is reliant on having a single trusted server which has your password instead of you maintaining it yourself. This is just an unnecessary risk.
There is very little difference between moths and butterflies. It is a just linguistic difference.
Doesn’t justify doing so as well. It should be punished the same way. But don’t complain about you being punished, but justice being served unequally.
If it gets racist or vile you still need to shut it down. This is a topic poised to become racial stereotypes told by majorities about minorities. You usually don’t verify the origin of the claimants.
E.g. those Turks and their bazaars trying to scam each other of the last penny, or something antisemitic.
I might have erred on the side of caution as well.
Saying without saying is still saying. Reddit mods may be stupid, but not that stupid.
Do you think you can trick the rules by just prefacing everything with “I am not say, that…”
Unlikely. There are and where good economic and political reasons for the war.
The blossoming democracy, freedom and wealth in Ukraine are dangerous to the stability of Russia. They show what could have been.
The annexation of crimes did bring ports to further Russia’s imperial ambition. The agricultural land is of high quality and will secure Russia’s role as a resource exporter after the phase out of fossils. You also need to keep in mind that siberia’s agricultural output is severely at risk from climate change. Ukraine had impressive heavy industry. They took transit tolls for Russian gas which could be saved.
The irregular pieces make it much easier to eat. You make a conscious decision how much you break off, instead of just getting another 4 squares.
Sei halt vorsichtig stimmt als Handlungsanweisung. Allerdings verhindert das nicht alle Unfälle. Permanente maximale geistige Präsenz ist unmöglich.