Or…3rd option. Revert back to Windows XP.
Or…3rd option. Revert back to Windows XP.
Downvoted. Not because I think reddit is better, but because this is clearly a circklejerk post, and what’s more reddit than THAT???
Short answer: American kids are too dumbto not choke on toys.
No good content??? My man!!! Have you not heard of Nicole??? The fediverse chick!!! Watch as she mindlessly smokes a cigerette as she stares blankly at her monitor.
Or you could try Veronica, as she uploads several videos every minute. All about Linux. Nobody knows how she does it…
I’m on just a regular browser. Can I do this? I don’t use apps.
…then I see it as lose/lose.
If they’re talking about Whole Foods, it’s because you walk in there, and you’re like “ok, let me get some chicken, let me get some porkchops, and let me get some cereal.”
The prices on all that shit is INSANE. I saw a 5 pack of pork chops for $19. Then I walked over to the chicken. $22. Then I walked over to the cereal. $8.
Total money I spent that day: $0.
Total times I’ve been back since: 0.
These companies have lost sight long ago on the fact that you can do all the bullshit in the world to improve behind the scenes processes, but if people walk in and see THOSE prices, when aldis sells the same chicken for $8, porkchops for $6, and cereal for $3? Fuck it. I don’t give a shit if your chickens are cruelty free grassfed. I’ll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper! People out here having to choose between food or rent. Yeah, the high price businesses will suffer. The cheap businesses will flourish.
In response to this idea of helping needy people, corporations in the USA just laughed and laughed.
I haven’t been in a McDonalds in years, but I’ve never seen or heard of this in America.
Then wait in line. I don’t get what you’re suggesting.
Here’s what I don’t understand.
McDonalds has an app. McDonalds also does mobile orders like ubereats. Why not use your own app to allow ordering from the app, so you can be 5 minutes away, order, and when you get there it’s already paid for, you just pick it up.
It eliminates extra fees for customers willing to pick up their own food. It eliminates the line. It reduces the wrong orders (as most mistakes happen from the register worker not ringing it up right to begin with). And no AI needed.
Why is this so hard?
I thought they discontinued the challenger in 1986. The whole brand kinda blew up.
…do you not have a fake email you can log into?
I bet someone has “anyoneemailingmeisacunt@gmail.com”
Yes, but now the car can’t pull data to operate the gas tank.
Narrator: And that’s when he hit a speed bump, and the whole engine just fell out.
This is like when you see a rapist and a pedophile engage. You’d think they’d be friends, except nope. The rapist is raping the pedophile. You don’t feel sorry for the pedophile, and you don’t cheer the rapist, but you certainly don’t feel the same empathy as if it were some else being raped. Doesn’t make the rapist a good guy though.
Yeah. The second they announced it would be a thing, I said "what a great way to collect users data, and sell it to companies. PASS!
I’m known as someone who in general predicts the worst case scenario, and then time and time again is proven right. Even I didn’t predict the ones buying this location data would be the Saudi government. I’m not surprised. I’m just surprised there’s levels BELOW my pessismistic mindset, and now we’re going there.
I never predicted nazis in usa government. I never predicted the usa government would be used as a shadow government for russia.
I viewed it more as “ugh, can you imagine going as low as I think we will? It’s going to be bad…”. And now we’re sinking so much lower. I THOUGHT we hid bedrock a few years ago. The only big thing I predicted that hasn’t happened yet is the second american civil war. I still think it’s coming, but now other things are going much lower than I thought they ever could.
I mean, RFKjr just said that EVERYONE should get measles. It wouldn’t be as deadly as covid was, but it would still be a global pandemic where the hospitals are overflowing, morgues are overflowing, and I’m SURE there would be more anti-vacine rhetoric.
You’ve got 2 different government officials publically doing hitler salutes on television.
Now if I’m interpreting this wrong, PLEASE explain how. I’d LOVE to be wrong about the government suggesting we artifically start a new pandemic while also fast tracking the rise of nazi style fascism. Please, I want to be wrong, because that would mean no more nazis in our government.
Until then, I’ll remain confused and angry about the world.
A European Starlink rival’s shares skyrocketed 390% in a week — here’s why
No no, that’s the point. To infect as many computers as absolutely possible, all clogging down every network, and eventually microsoft will have to address the issues.
What do you care? I assume you’re on linux and wouldn’t be affected either way.