Can’t i just have one article that doesn’t mention that fat sack of shit. This is actually really interesting physics, and you had to go and ruin it.
Can’t i just have one article that doesn’t mention that fat sack of shit. This is actually really interesting physics, and you had to go and ruin it.
See, now this would affect Elon Musk. Vandalizing people’s cars that may have been purchased 10 years ago doesn’t do anything.
We are already overhauling our system into something new. It’s called fascism, and its coming fast.
Yeah, and communism is scary, we don’t like things that are scary.
I invade most of my neighbors with 100 thousand troops all the time to force them into negotiations. Yeah, seems reasonable.
How very sad for us Americans, when there are a number of civil wars going on around the world, genocides such as in Gaza, and extremely oppressive regimes that kill anyone who speaks out. But yeah, the price of eggs going up is where we draw the line in the U.S.
Would you also like to complain about your freedom to not mask to prevent the spread of extremely communicable diseases?
I hope this bug never gets fixed!
How can he be worse? Trumps health is so bad he’s just doing whatever people tell him. He is not functionally in charge right now anyway.
That’s just rude, at least give them some dignity. Give em a parachute that you know doesn’t work.
God, I wish this guy would have a massive coronary heart attack already. His health is awful, and as we all know, the worse you are, the longer you live. It’s like some kind of physical law.
Same, no, I think i may have misunderstood and thought they were planning to use self driving patrol cars.
Gonna get somebody taking a giant hammer to one of these real quick. Using AI to dole out tickets is idiotic, and going to result in incorrectly cited people.
Not a scientist, but can confirm, I am built differently than a fox.
Being pro-capitalist on this website is gonna make you stick out like a sore thumb
NASA is a federal agency dependent on congressional funding and also technically under the executive branch. Unfortunately, they get to do what the executive branch says or get fired, and the executive branch will find someone else to do whatever it is they want.