Is mythic quest worth watching? Im one season in and it didn’t really grab me.
Is mythic quest worth watching? Im one season in and it didn’t really grab me.
Such thoughts can be very overwhelming, ever present, consuming. Imagine swimming against a strong current. Sometimes it’s important to just take a break. Get out of the stream and watch it rush by. Of course you can’t stay out forever, there are factors beyond your reach, it pulls you back in. But the best bet to beat the pull of this vortex is to try and create as many of these breaks as possible. Small as they may be. While you rest, consider the advice in this thread. It’s benevolent, you know? Consider a dialectic position. For every bad thing that pulls you down, think about a good thing that lifts you up too. Literature can be powerfull too, in that you might discover descriptions, states and emotions in which you find yourself in a way you never could phrase it yourself. It’s all about a balance of “being seen”, receiving empathy, regaining agency and changing perception.
You seem like a fun person ^^
Facking Guuuuy!
Honey, what’s wrong? You barely touched your bloodpancakes…
Like with the mozzarella duh you throw away the white ball and drink that precious mozarell wat0r