Added it to my Libby reading list
Exactly. This needs to be the headline.
The people have to organize globally and dig the rich out of their bunkers like ticks
I saw an article fairly recently how they’re more buddy buddy than anyone realizes. But, I’m right there with you.
Romania really does not want to deal with the bullshit. Good for them.
God I hate propaganda.
Often people do this to fly under the word monitor radar.
End lip service. Begin action.
I want this shit to end so bad. Imagine a world without this bullshit.
Eventually, the whole world’s going to end up being required to die for old greedy assholes.
You would know.
When Spez went full cunt. To be fair, I was an IRC nerd to start off though.
Lazy. Most people don’t want to learn how shit works. They just want it to work. They’ll get what they pay for in the end.
edit: downvote all you want. it’s a correct assertion to the question. just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it not correct.
That’s a lot of words I don’t give a fuck about. Jfc you’re a whiney ass. Idngaf and at this point can’t wait for you to get deployed.
I’m not a pacifist. Save your sermon?
Dog and pony show