4 days agojust talked with a coworker about that. europe is heavily relying on microsoft products and investing a lot of money into them. we are certain, that all that money can easily pay for an expert team to develop and maintain a eu-gov linux distro.
i know that certain military branches maintain a hardened version of different linux distros for critical systems. why not take this to the next level and have an expert team maintaining your OS?
while you are technically correct, most people would consider an iphone american, a samsung korean and a huawei chinese phones. although silicone, transistors, pcbs, etc. are from the same places you mentioned. assembly is likely china for anything requiring soldering…
here are some USB stick brands and where their home base (and most of the money) is:
as you can see, there are many non-american companies selling USB memory. you get to choose where most of the money goes. we both know most of the 30 plus bucks you pay, does not go to the people doing the soldering.
edit: change manufacturers to brands for accuracy