I know this might sound modern society’s answer to everything right now, but if you haven’t already, I’d give an AI chat system a chance.
Not encouraging you to pay for anything you can’t afford, but some of the paid models have very high context windows, meaning they’ll remember what you say to them for an extended duration during a conversation.
So, you could outline your goals, your most pressing issues, your mental and emotional state, and direct the AI to act as a sort of side-brain.
When I’m working on large projects, I often ask a chat bot to organize my priorities and keep track of my progress.
Try letting it hold onto some of the tasks and thoughts you currently don’t have the means to focus on. Direct it to respond in short bursts sized appropriately to your attention span (might take some trial and error). See if it gets you back on track when your focus drifts.
It’s not a perfect solution by any means. And you might already be doing something like this. But you may find it motivating to have a sort of cheerleader telling you what were hoping to do previously that has since escaped your own context window. Tag team the task of figuring out what it is you want to do and then breaking down the steps to do that thing.
Good luck. I hope you find a solution (probably a combination of solutions) that works for you until you can get back on your meds.
Seconding this.