Love child of Bilbo Baggins and a particularly hairy dwarf.
Love child of Bilbo Baggins and a particularly hairy dwarf.
TIL that Arch users are Pastafarians.
May you be touched by his Noodly appendage!
The meme is talking about sshfs.
For smb, the share would need to be created first.
Sshfs is pretty nice because it will give you access to all of the files that on the server that you have permissions to access.
clearly knows what he is doing
My 72 year old, non techy father in law had a laptop that could not be updated to Windows 11 without modifying the installer to get around Microsoft limitations. I suggested Linux, He decided to just buy a new laptop with Windows 11 on it. About a week later he was complaining about the way Microsoft was forcing him to have an online account and how he wanted to get rid of onedrive. I suggested Linux again and he said why not?
I installed Linux Mint for him and gave him the password. I offered to show him around but he said he would take a look at it and let me know if he has trouble doing anything.
Its been a few months now, and he hasn’t had any problems or even questions. Everything is just working for him.
I also gave my 16 year old daughter a Linux Mint laptop and the password a couple of years ago. She uses it all the time and has never asked for help in figuring out how to do anything.
The distro doesn’t really matter too much, but if you are coming from Windows 7 or 10, Linux Mint will seem very familiar to you.