46 minutes agoHm also ich würde das vorschlagen
Koalition des Fortschritts, der Innovation und der Auferstehung des Vaterlands
If you like what I do, send me some Monero:
Hm also ich würde das vorschlagen
Koalition des Fortschritts, der Innovation und der Auferstehung des Vaterlands
Tried to debug a flatpak
downloads 6GB of devel stuff, tries to open a file in gdb, cries
Finds out it is a kernel bug.
Tries to get debug logs, even though that stuff is disabled “fOr sEcUrItY hArDeNinG”
(Kernel 6.13 is a mess)
Lol that table is pretty strange
What does “Windows 10” mean? XD
Also btw dont expect all games to work in Wine. You should use Steam if you want a pain free experience.