Tried to debug a flatpak
downloads 6GB of devel stuff, tries to open a file in gdb, cries
Finds out it is a kernel bug.
Tries to get debug logs, even though that stuff is disabled “fOr sEcUrItY hArDeNinG”
(Kernel 6.13 is a mess)
Well there’s your problem.
(Not 13 specifically. Just the odd numbered sub-version in general. But 13 if you’re superstitious, I guess.)
Just don’t write bugs LOL
Never have seen any .exe that logs anything. They’re literally black boxes.
Got to love the installer that requires a GUI
Debugging requires hard liquor.
I’ve found that 3 beers over an hour period is my sweet spot for debugging. But I would definitely need liquor to debug wine.
If I had to pick bugs out of my wine I would probably also switch to drinking liquor instead