Jargon that needs to be dereferenced when it’s used the first time. Am I right?
But video is so damn annoying.
The number of times I’ve all but rage-quit a ‘tutorial’ which is simply an open mic with ‘room’ noises and breathing over a video of someone typing things into a screen which is then captured on iPhone, is far too high.
It could be a series of documented steps with reasoning, interspersed with screenshots (themselves in a ‘spoiler’-style show/hide setup), and it would then take up 1/1000th the space, require 1/100th the time, and demonstrate the technique in a way I could go over a few times. The typing is interminably slow, watching for someone who says nothing but mouse-overs (and selects) text as a way of communication is frustrating, and the entire thing is a barrier to comprehension. Is it ADHD that makes it far, far preferable to just get a page I can review and pore over and repeat a few times, or is it just a learning style that isn’t passive?
>>> students are struggling more and more with getting information from text
>>> found there way
>> people [...] that
> it's workforce
The question is whether this running gag is intentional.
If OVH can run separate organizations structured so as to avoid targeting by the US and its CLOUD act, then so can Google; so can Microsoft.
If needs must, then AWS, Google and Azure will split and re-home themselves in Ireland, France, Switzerland – faced with a line that doesn’t go up, corporations will move figurative heaven and actual earth. If risk of enough revenue loss becomes an issue, then they would and will run a separate and distinct operation in each country; each region, if need be, if new Mexico fears Texas, for instance. And while they’ll all trumpet their success in creating a perfect privacy wall and legal separation to where even state powers cannot legally compel inspection or direction of their operations, after one of them is shown to be lying or incompetent the effort will be done properly. And we’ll have services we CAN trust - warily - to preserve our sovereignty.
But with their financial might, Google and Microsoft will respond to a real threat of churn. We will not see exodus.
There’s no section for “brain zaps”.
Take a recent innovation, and implement it better.
Ah, the mad rush to be Second Place.
Nice to get that balance and leave the deadlines and stress back at the desk. Good on ya. I don’t even care what your hobbies are – you advertise the right attitude towards them. Keep it up.
My dear friend has some pot plants.
Her dog discovered pot accidentally.
Then her dog discovered pot intentionally.
Then her dog discovered pot aggressively.
Now she has a greenhouse, and her dog is on a programme.
CE license. OnPrem.
You in the right lane?
Canada’s the same except we have serious parking mafia and it’s c$20.
When my dear friend suffered a Widowmaker heart attack, and they lit up and staffed a theatre on an early holiday Sunday morning for a brace of stents, he didn’t have to sell his house to make payments for it… Because it was c$20 for parking and a bit more for some really bad coffee. Costs were borne by all of us and it was pre-paid from taxes.
Dude survived and annoys us with his sarcasm and piss-takes to this day.
so I’m not sure how exactly they help?
I would say yes, that you are not sure how exactly they help, if I’m answering your question as written.
I’m sure they could slap something together in days and have it in the field in weeks.
We make a lot of assumptions about how other people live, and what they have available.
Having worked on UnitedLinux, I’m okay if I never touch SuSE again. There are so many other options out there, still, that I can have the better distro format and still avoid SuSE. Yay!
Phone/SMS 2FA is a joke. You can tell which organizations need to be ditched.
You poor sod.