Nestle might be all over that. It’s not like they care about their reputation among the well informed.
Nestle might be all over that. It’s not like they care about their reputation among the well informed.
Baby don’t hurt me
I have no idea why I do this, but I don’t think I enjoy feeling sleepy.
It is, however currently 3:49am where I am. Fortunately I don’t really have plans so I can sleep in some this morning.
40°F (4.4°C) and partly cloudy now.
Earlier we had a little thunder. Two whole strikes within around 10km of me according to the Blitzortung Lightning Monitor app. That’s a typical “storm” around here.
I hadn’t actually considered that, but I don’t trust them to only be redacting the victims.
I hope eventually those first two can hook up.
I agree, but I think I can guess why they do that - they can maybe get total income from aggregate tax records, but disposable income would have to be asked individually.
With the full strength of my American education, here’s what I’ve got:
I think it’s in or near Asia?
(Of course my own ignorance is really my fault.)
For me, juicy toppings or sauces or spicy stuff.
(Ketchup being the exception that I do like)