Excuse me, aber diese Website nutzt 100%ig Fingerprinting-Techniken, um eindeutig herauszufinden, welche Werbung sie dir anzeigen… Aber bei Umfragen tut man so, wie wenn das technologisch unmöglich ist.
Excuse me, aber diese Website nutzt 100%ig Fingerprinting-Techniken, um eindeutig herauszufinden, welche Werbung sie dir anzeigen… Aber bei Umfragen tut man so, wie wenn das technologisch unmöglich ist.
Too late… You started a war in the comments. I’ll proudly fight for my country’s way to separate numbers!!! :)
We (in Europe) probably should be thankful that you are not using feet as thousands-separator over there in the USA… Or maybe separate after each 2nd digit, because why not… ;)
Yes. It’s the normal Thousands-separator notation in Germany for example.
Me and my 5.000 closest friends don’t like that the website and their 1.300 partners all need my data.
Kubuntu is also kind of European, because KDE e.V. is from Germany.
My robo cleaner is just not connected to the internet… No app, no one can kill it remotely…
IMO, this thing was one of my best investments ever. Saved me days of time…
Requires an app? As soon as Amazon bought it, mine has never again connected to an app or the internet.
It usually has a big start button on it’