Stargate Atlantis, the thing I would change is to make it as good as I remember it being, cause while it’s fine and entertaining and all, I just remember thinking more highly of it when it aired and on previous rewatches.
Stargate Atlantis, the thing I would change is to make it as good as I remember it being, cause while it’s fine and entertaining and all, I just remember thinking more highly of it when it aired and on previous rewatches.
Oh, not since 1954, well excuse me! :P
Yeah, but old browser extension has let me block all advertisers (and all of them are equally my most-hated) forever, so reddit is cordially invited to get fucked. And they can construe that as ‘encouraging violence’ all they like.
Inertia, convenience of what you’re used to, and all of your friends are over there and have never heard of ‘the fediverse’.
Do you play video games? Read books? Play tabletop roleplaying games? Knit? There are public and private discord communities for all of those things and more. Go find one and join it. I lost my two closest friends who I had known for almost 3 decades in a couple of years apart and realized that without those two I didn’t really have any other friends that I hung out and spent time with, and I started really feeling lonely, and I’m practically a shut-in and don’t make friends easily either. Fortunately I lucked into two things that made a world of difference: a couple of TTRPG discords that I am now decent to good friends with all of the members, and a private gaming community. Between them they have about 350 people in them, and I have made a point of hanging out with them and trying to make friends, and I’ve met quite a few people I get along with really well, and I always have people to play tabletop or video games with.
Iono, I would normally say a deep forest green, but I have recently been growing in appreciation of purple.
I was perma-banned 11 hours before my temp-ban appeal was lifted. Then I was unbanned, but they sent a message saying my ban would stay. I think they’re just falling over themselves in their headlong rush to embrace fascism.
Yeah, it’s still set as my default for handling PDFs, so I keep opening them in there and then copying the address over to chrome by hand because I’m too lazy to go find the default app settings.
I did say I thought I was going to switch…
I did say I think I was gonna switch.
Indeed. The enshittification of the internet proceeds apace.
What happened in July 2023? Was that the APIpocalypse? That didn’t really affect me cause I barely use mobile.
Yeah, those mofos are just batshit now.
This is like all those people taking private jets to climate summits. It’s just absurd.
The obvious choice here is to get vaccinated if you’re not.
I have said some pretty aggressively and unambiguously pro-Palestine things over there and never been dinged once for it, so I haven’t seen it. shrug
Although I did notice that certain of my comments would act like they posted only to not actually post, to the point that I’ve taken to writing longer posts in notepad and pasting them over, and the ones that fail all seem to have something to do with Israel or Palestine. But usually a couple of attempts at posting them gets through, so… shrug
Glad to hear it, I look forward to poking around.
Thanks, glad to be here!
Yeah it’s been getting increasingly fashy over there. They’ve blocked topics before, but to my knowledge they’ve never banned people for upvoting something. It’s crazy. Next they’re going to start banning any anti-Israel content as antisemitic, or anything pro-Palestine as promoting terrorism or whatever. It’s gotten MUCH worse since the IPO, too, so it’s clearly being done for the benefit of the advertisers.
I see lots of app recommendations, but is there any way to do this on desktop? I really don’t want to have to click on each post, but I’m tired of getting the same stuff over and over again.