I have no real trust in my local community (theres quite a few anti-vaccine people here).
Mod notice: It is important to keep in mind that we are all strangers on the internet here, and it is therefore important to exercise critical thinking when it comes to medical advice and related questions.
Anything you read here has the potential to be completely made up and/or wrong, including this mod notice.
including this mod notice.
Yeah, take that, mod notice!
Srsly tho good reminder to all.
including this mod notice
Ahem you’re wrong 🤓
Don’t vote Republican
I think official government advice at this point is to find an infected person and snort their sore spots.
I would go with a vaccine, otherwise I suppose isolate from society.
Measles is the most infectious virus we know of. Contagion is measured by how many people the average patient will infect. Covid was a 4, measles is 18.
Anti vaxxers really fucking shit up
pro-vaxxers as well who stopped masking against covid
Well that’s terrifying.
Just to add to the terror, measles can strip away previously held immunities. Had chicken pox as a child? If you get (and survive) measles you might get chicken pox again!
Source: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia
Get vaccinated, folks!
Healthcare professional here - but not your HPC and you cannot confirm that I am who I am so double check what I write:
Get your titers checked and get revaccinationes asap. If you are not vaccinated or are a non-responder talk to your healthcare provider. Isolate until then.
Mask up and keep your hands away from mouth, eyes and nose. You will need a properly fitting FFP3/NP95 mask here - measles are far meaner in terms of infectiousness than COVID. Tight fitting means: You have no leaks at the side - if your glasses fog up, if you can feel air going in or out next to your face,etc. it is not working. The usual “duckbill” masks with straps around the ears very very rarely fit properly.
Wash your hands and desinfect them properly.
Stay the fuck away from babies. Really. Please.
I think the glasses fogging up has been somewhat debunked. you can have a mask pass a fit test and still fog up your glasses because you’re still exhaling moist/hot air through your mask even when it fits properly.
also the N95 equivalent would be FFP2
Nope,it hasn’t. If your glasses are fogging up in sync with your respiration rate or within a very short timeframe your mask is not sealing. Period. The only difference is when you have either have a valve mask, work with a face shield or similar things or in confined spaces - it’s basically impossible to fog up your glasses with a correctly positioned mask as the filter medium does work as a diffuser. If your mask does fog up suddenly despite a confirmed fit it usually is a warning sign for a breakdown of the filter medium.
(And believe me, we tried really hard - as part of a customer contract we tested all major mask manufacturers available in the EU, with a sample size in the 4 digit range, including UV fluid and thermal imaging tests)
I am fully aware that the equivalent of N95 is often seen as comparable to FFP2, but this is not actually quite correct. The FFP2 has a slightly worse filtration rate and a slightly higher resistance both for inspiration and expiration. Anyway, I intentionally wrote FFP3 as this is the recommended FFP class for Measles while within the NIOSH legislation only a N95 is recommended.
Regarding masks: if you have a beard: shave. Unless your beard is n95/ffp2 rated
You can always glob it full of petroleum jelly (I did quantitative fit testing for a time, it really works) but it’s gross.
that’s fascinating. the mask innovation really astounds me sometimes in the best way
Mostly yes,but it is possible to have some beardstyles if you know very much what you are doing (and have a large head).
But the actual area of contact and to a certain degrees the areas around it need to be shaved properly,yes.
The obvious choice here is to get vaccinated if you’re not.
My healthcare provider had me tested for Measles antibodies because apparently that shit can wear off after 50 years in some people. I was still good with Mumps and Rubella, but was wide open to Measles. So I got an MMR vaccine (available at Walgreens, CVS, etc) and I’m good to go. So if you’re over 50, you might want to get tested or simply just ask your your doctor for their opinion about getting another shot.
Most of us who went to college that required the MMR are good for life according to the CDC.
I had the MMR when I was a kid then again before collage because it was easier than trying to find what happened to my pediatrician’s records after they retired.
Do we trust the CDC website right now?
Yea that should be before the trump wipe. We can always look at the Internet archive.
Both shots leave you at 98% immunity. Then if you somehow beat those odds and still manage to get it, it will be much less severe.
You’ll be totally fine. The only victims of measles in the US will mostly be. children of idiot parents, adults who had idiot parents and then became idiot adults, and people with actual medical issues that have prevented them from safely getting the vaccine.
And babies who are too young to have gotten the vaccine yet. 😞
Shouldn’t the mother’s immune system protect them until vaccination?
Why not?