Word of advice get a non folding knife with some girth so not a kitchen knife, Ka-bar or a M3 replica are the best in my experience. Then just stab and pull, the plastic will give and you can use inward leverage on the harder outer plastic.
Word of advice get a non folding knife with some girth so not a kitchen knife, Ka-bar or a M3 replica are the best in my experience. Then just stab and pull, the plastic will give and you can use inward leverage on the harder outer plastic.
It’s not that hard to do a clean cut with a butter knife let alone an exacto knife, so what the hell was he doing with it? Was he just plunging it in full force, because I was taught to open a box with a knife by doing a hard angle where if you went horizontal from the edge it’d scrape.
They are currently doing their damnedest to collapse the US economy, it’s entirely possible that a simple recession let alone a depression could collapse the federal government. This would make their billions monopoly money and make them easy pickings, the ravens would feast.
I think they are talking about the original set of movies. Ya thought it was only the new ones that got milked? Fuck no the original one got milked hard.
Fuck im 25 and feel 40, this is why I will not shy away from my day of destined death. I can feel that it’ll be before I’m 40 and I frankly want nothing to do with being 40.
Note it probably hasn’t had constant use cause I only got it a couple months ago, before that it was at a surplus store in Idaho falls. Now it is in SoCal, before Idaho though it could’ve been in a crate for all I know.
You can definitely get plenty of Mil spec shit, just not what you really expect. My hat is a Swedish army cap worn by some dude named Albert Kempf in Tunisia circa 1991.
The thing is they’re fucking over everyone military included, sure they could theoretically give guns to untrained morons but that’s only so effective. Also I kinda doubt there are enough mud boots to lock down LA let alone every city. There may be a million active military personnel but a solid majority of that is support staff that would be hard to shift around if not impossible.
That’s all just looking at the basic military aspect. Plenty of them own property but that’s kinda meaningless if the enforcement mechanics also break down. I doubt any of them have billions in physical assets and yet again would any of it be worth anything could they enforce their ownership properly or would their own security start stripping the copper from the walls.
Also when empires collapse it’s never for one reason, and the US has many reasons. Don’t believe the hype of the rich, they have nothing of worth short of their organs in a collapse scenario of any type.