Ah yes, great post in the year 2010 when thinkpads weren’t complete crap, yet.
I mean… tools, not jewels. It has a robust design for a reason. Develop that patina, kid. Don’t lose your mind over a scuff.
I’ve been buying second hand thinkpads for the last decade or so.
They arrive pre-scuffed so I don’t need to worry.
Prescruffed? That’s just the vintage look.
Apple: The Gucci of the tech world.
It really is. I once dated a girl that would rip on me for having a Samsung. She said she needed an iPhone for work cause she takes a lot of pics and uses socials a lot. She couldn’t fathom that my Samsung could do all of that and arguably more
needed an iPhone for work cause she takes a lot of pics
She takes a lot of pictures…so she needed a worse camera?
Whoa, I dislike iPhones for plenty of reasons, but the cameras are consistently among the best. Maybe not spec wise, and you can complain about post processing all you want. But to an average user that’s just clicking the shutter they turn out great.
I hope they used the official Apple cleaning cloth that’s certified compatible with that model of MacBook
You mean the iRag?
Is that little red thing a dead body?
https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/saddam-husseins-hiding-place and a word-play on Iraq.
Thanks, I needed these references. That was enjoyable.
Saddam Hussein
Comes as part of the iRack.
I have a pretty recent thinkpad that supposedly has “military grade durability”. The plastic is literally falling apart at the corners after 2 years, and my fan grille is gone.
Fucking lenovo
Military grade is bullshit marketing. Basically anything is military grade
Military grade is code for “cheapest bidder”
Military grade means literally nothing. Actual military equipment is “mil spec”, and not something the average consumer needs, or can afford, in most cases.
Even when military spec equipment is made by the lowest bidder, this stuff still has to be blast proof, bullet proof, work from -60°C to +85°C, be water/dust resistant, and many other requirements depending on what is being made.
You can definitely get plenty of Mil spec shit, just not what you really expect. My hat is a Swedish army cap worn by some dude named Albert Kempf in Tunisia circa 1991.
Is it possible to show the hat? I kinda wanna see that hat and how it looks after such a long period of use.
Note it probably hasn’t had constant use cause I only got it a couple months ago, before that it was at a surplus store in Idaho falls. Now it is in SoCal, before Idaho though it could’ve been in a crate for all I know.
That looks like a good hat! I’d be happy with that.
It depends, sometimes milspec is very demanding. For example, crayons need to be non-toxic even if you eat the entire box.
Specifically in electronics there are actually milspec versions of some microchips, different from the consumer grade ones (they have a wider range of operating temperatures plus I also believe higher resistence to electromagnetic radiation and mechanical vibration, similar to microchips “for
automobileautomotive use”), but I suspect that when it comes to actual consumer electronics devices the words “military grade” are not a protected tag (as in, electronic devices said to be “military grade” are not forced by regulation to have certain characteristics) so those words are generally marketing bullshit.
MacBook user:
omfg, my MacBook got that big scratch. Gonna buy a new one then
ThinkPad user:
draws ThinkPad logo on the back using scratches
Love it
Essentially average MacBook fan vs average ThinkPad enjoyer