A lot of blame on Netflix here but it takes two to tango. With a new series on the horizon and news just breaking, I’m sure Netflix was interested in keeping the series on its platform and I can imagine Paramount wanting more for the licensing.
It’s an important asset for Paramount Plus I would guess
Damn that’s wild I removed my Netflix a while ago after they did some other stupid shit
How else are they gonna get people to panic subscribe before the new one comes out? This way people can’t procrastinate for months or years, they have to do it now.
DEI Avatar.
I have to explain the joke now: Netflix is removing Korra specifically because it’s trendy now for American companies to remove celebrated women and people of color from public view.
“It’s not funny!”
To most outsiders, America is absolutely the butt of the majority of modern satire.
You fucking troglodyte. The original avatar is one of the most woke cartoons to ever air in America
And Legend of Korra went back on so much of that; turns out anybody who wants to make society more equal is just jealous of the super special individuals who dictate it, and anyone who pretends to represent you actually just wants to be the only super-special individual. Also it’s fine to work with fascists as long as they’re nice to you.