You’re not going to find a good person who puts following rules written to benefit the capitalist class above freeing people from crippling debt.
You’re not going to find a good person who puts following rules written to benefit the capitalist class above freeing people from crippling debt.
They were only able to because of the way he went about it. He could have simply ordered the Department of Education to immediately forgive the loans and erase any record of the debt, and dared the SCOTUS to order him to create new debts (which he could simply ignore).
They in this case being libs in liberal democracies, not democrats specifically.
One way to resolve the contradiction between the capitalist class, which the state represents, and the masses, whom the state requires to maintain power is for the masses to believe their representatives want what’s best for them, but are powerless to implement it due to foreigners or nature or some other group, or are trying and it will happen some indeterminate time in the future.
feel like most folks would put their money on the ex-KGB agent who seized and kept contr
Putin is 5’ 7", like 160 lbs, and 70 years old. Elon is 6’2", probably 200 lbs, and 52 years old.
I don’t think fitness and training can overcome 20 years, 50 lbs, and a full head of height.
This was always Ukraine’s fate.
The OG coup happened under the Obama admin, the far-right were forced into government under Trump pt I, Ukraine was forced to sell off state assets and take billions in loans by the Biden admin, and now the US is preparing to pick the bones clean over the next decades.
It’s nice that yall are recognizing that the US isn’t there to help the Ukrainian people now, but we’re all gonna repeat this next war.
Eh, while they’re part of maintaining the status quo, we’re ruled by capital, and that was true before Kennedy too.
Sure, and Russia had their right-wing coup in 1991, and America is currently doing a self-coup.
See, I can’t tell if you’re talking about America, Russia, or Ukraine.
As far as OBL goes, the US armed and trained his faction against the soviets during the soviet-afghan war.
Qadaffi kinda was between ~2003 and 2011. The CIA even captured and handed over enemies from all over the world, along with providing intelligence about dissidents within Libya.
When has the CIA ever financed a communist coup?