Democratic lawmakers have faced eruptions of anger at town hall meetings across the country this week, as constituents have coupled their fury over President Donald Trump’s actions with deep frustration over what they see as a feckless Democratic response.
I was thinking the other day, wondering, "What % of legal - born and raised - Americans seeth with hatred for the United States, and would actively hurt America, anyway they can. What % and what political stance they have, and of course, it’s the democratic party.
Lemme rephrase… Simply, if you’re American, but you also hate America and are politically active. 98%, you’re a democrat.
What one focus on in life will become a bigger part of one’s life. The left needs to ditch the hate. I’ll come back when “democrat” isn’t synonymous with hate.
The GOP cosplay as patriots to confuse small minded fools that striving for a better life is un-American. As if our founding fathers weren’t looking for a better life.
You’re looking at the map upside down.
Chickens can at least peck a bit. These dems aren’t even that tough
Another constituent, Donya Williams, complained Ivey didn’t know the people in his district well enough — because he admitted earlier that he didn’t know who popular podcaster Joe Rogan was until the middle of the 2024 presidential campaign.
This explains so much. They are as ignorant of the current state of things as the “apolitical” voters who thought Trump would be fine this time.
French aristocracy? Who ordered French aristocracy?
Well holding signs and doing nothing didn’t work?
May I suggest a major and I mean major leaflet campaign?
Steady on. Next you’ll be saying it’s time for the slogan t-shirts.
Nah, we need to bring in the big guns for this one. Stickers with slogans.
Are we allowed to glue the leaflets to bricks?
Is an M67 a Leaflet?
“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas.”- The Democratic Party
“But please donate to my campaign to STOP this. We will soon, I promise”
My god I am so sick of the emails.
I used to get emails like “Contribute to X because I will fight for our schools to provide school lunches to everyone!” And I’d donate.
Now, the emails are just “Donald wants to kill education. GIVE ME MONEY.”
So you can use that money to buy another sign that says “Pweeze stop”?
The amount of “gib monies plz” messages I got infuriated me. Like you aren’t doing diddly squat why would I ?!?
yeah, they have gotten so much fucking money. I could have done more good just spending that same amount on potatoes, or paying people to dance.
Like, I think someone in the DNC should be out there, putting out answers. What did they do with the money they got? Where did it go? Time for an audit.
I think we know they wasted it all on ridiculous useless bullshit, and even if they had won, it would have been more useful to spend it on potatoes.
Pretty much exactly the answer I’ve gotten from all my reps.
I think we may may finally be getting our message across. Here’s why:
Last night, Adam Schiff, one of the Democratic lawmakers I respect the most, was on Kimmel, and was very rough not just on the HitlerPig Crime Family, but also Chuck Schumer.
But what really struck me, was that the very honorable, polite, and respectful Adam Schiff took the opportunity to basically say “Fuck You” directly to the president - TWICE!
Kimmel asked him if he had said thank you to HitlerPig, and Schiff said he used a different two-word phrase, but one of the words was “You,” and everyone got it and laughed. At the end of his interview, he made another joke that was another very obvious disguised “Fuck You.”
They were obviously baiting HitlerPig into a tirade, but seeing Schiff go on national TV and saying Fuck You to HitlerPig twice marks a very new direction in messaging for the Democratic party. I hope this is the beginning of pivoting from appeasement to Hard Ball.
Schumer and Pelosi don’t have street fighting skills, they are from the era where Republicans weren’t all violent dixiecrat trash.
Schiff and the newer ones don’t bring harsh words to gunfights.
They’re boomers. They never had to fight dirty. Theyre part of the Democrat gameplan to compromise on everythin
That’s awesome. I’ve started to get some social media feeds on YouTube from Adam Schiff and they’ve been pretty provocative and direct, which is desperately needed.
Ocasio-Cortez/Sanders 2028
I feel that Sanders is probably too old and that he can pass the torch on at the next election. It’s sad, but I still don’t think we need an 80 year old running for office.
I think after Biden and then Trump, people will be completely fed up with old white guys. I seriously doubt even Santa Claus could get elected. I’m in my 60s and a huge Bernie fan but we need some younger people on the ticket.
I think Walz/Ocasio-Cortez would be a much more popular and palatable suggestion for the electorate, even though I personally prefer your proposal
Nah, we tried appealing to the center shit and that got us nowhere. Go hard on restoring working class America. Fuck racism, sexism, and ignorance - that shit got us a slow slide down to where we are now .
Kick the fucking oligarchs out and tax the fuck out of them. Rich should mean enough money to be very comfortable and never worry again, but not enough to buy elections.
if Americans are going to just sit and wait, the US won’t be recognizable in 4 years, and there sure as hell won’t be a free and fair election
Many Americans are not. There’s protests happening everyday, across the country. It’s, not being talked about but it’s absolutely happening.
Besides bluesky, can we start seeing more of the protests here on lemmy? And see it flood the pages here? If someone just posts one a day from each location, that will kick start enough people to join
Be safe. Be discreet. The administration is violent right now and accelerating. They are violating civil and human rights. Get involved in your local offline chapters, please. These places are being watched too and pictures may be used to nab others that attend. They also may be used/posted for predatory reasons. Protect yourselves and your comrades in arms. Unless you know what you are doing (and even then think 2x), do not bring your phone to protests. Keep it charged in a place you frequent.
I get what you’re saying, but if a protest is not seen, was it really effective?
It’s working when they don’t want people to see it. The revolution will not be televised. This isn’t something for media. That is cheap and doesn’t actually change things. People need to leave the house, build community, collaborate and organise, in person.
Exactly my thoughts. We’ll get trump 3.0.
They’ll get disappeared long before they get a chance to be on the bill
I don’t see people screaming at Bernie, AOC or Tim Walz. Wonder why that is…. Oh maybe it’s because they’re actually willing to notice the frustrations of their base.
“Wait you want us to fight for your rights, like you elected us to do? I dunno, that sounds like effort. It’s much easier to agree to what Republicans want and it theoretically looks good on paper that we wanna work with Fascists. Maybe we’ll get some of their voters this time!”
“I know we campaigned on fighting fascism but that was more of a ‘if we win’ thing”
we’re holding up ping pong paddles, there’s nothing else we can do!
"As we all know, we only do what we want when we win. Your house rep doesn’t still work when they win their seat, right? …They do? They still try to get things done?
Well, uh, you know you can’t do what you want when you’re in the minority of Congress. Wait Republicans did exactly that for 15 years? And got all their demands with the filibuster and delaying?
Well republicans would just use that as ammo for their messaging. Please ignore they’ll do anything we do as massaging, from tan suits to mustard. We have to give them what they want, there’s nothing else we could do!"
The Republican demands were to NOT do things, which can be moved towards by filibuster and delay. The Democrat demands are to DO things, and filibuster and delay would just get the Republicans what they want, while being able to blame the Democrats for all the negative effects that are surprising to their constituents. They need to find better messages and ways to get those messages out, absolutely, but it’s not a mirror image to the Republican situation four years ago.
They need to understand that they are fighting for the country. And when they don’t treat the Republicans and billionaires as the enemy they deprive us of the power to fight at the ballot box.
So we have to go to the soapbox. Like lemmy.
And when that fails, many of us (not me) will find they have nothing else to lose and go to the ammo box, like mangione is accused of.
And the rest of us will go to the jury box and vote not guilty.
Time for the neoliberal world order to end. Want Republicans to actually be scared of Democrats? Fill the party with socialists.
This is correct. Ultimately, the Democratic Party will only be changed through primaries. Not town halls or performative third party voting, but filling the party up with people who think differently.
Democratic Party will only be changed through primaries
And that means it’s time for everyone to actually give a shit about voting in primary elections instead of just old people who keep choosing the worst candidates.
Not just voting, but running for election.
While I agree, I’m a “child of the internet” so pretty much any opposition research on me would have me murdered by probably everyone.
Maybe I should run. I could unite the left and right in their disgust of me lol
Judging by Trump, I bet your reputation matters a whole lot less than you think it does.
Maybe the real Modern Warfare was the blackmail material we created on ourselves along the way
Oh! NOW I remember why I didn’t give my real name and all my friends and activities and locations and menstrual cycles and everything to BlackmailBook when they demanded it of me to view the link my grandma sent me.
JFC Why won’t this fucking thing burn to the ground.
But the corporations that donate to the party don’t want this.
And as long as privately ran organization owned by those rich people (the DNC) controls the primaries then they can choose what ever candidates they want. Like how they chose Hillary despite Bernie having more support in 2016. This is why the DNC has stopped doing primaries.
When did they stop? If you’re talking about last time around, unfortunately Biden didn’t drop out early enough for them to have one. We will definitely have primaries coming up. Will the DNC try to put their finger on the scale? Surely. But that just means we got to show up in bigger numbers than they think.
Bernie had provably more individual donors than any canidate in US history.
There’s no amount pf voting that makes the DNCs chosen canidate lose the primary.
They are a private organization that doesn’t have to even have a primary, the primary exists to hold up the illusion of choice.
All you have to do is raise money without corporations.
How hard could it be?
Edit: /s ffs
It’s one election, Micheal. How much can it cost? 10$?
That will never happen regardless, as long as money influences politics, both parties will never represent the people.
Then join the international boycotts and prevent Americans from having money. No money, no influence.
Well, then, just duck your head down and try to survive then, because that’s all that’s left. The system is what it is and it’s not going to change without violence, so it can either be co-opted from within as my suggestion, or we can all sharpen our knives and hope the next government is better rather than worse than this one.
Ultimately, the Democratic Party will only be changed through primaries.
Only so far as they continue to hold and respect them. We’re now 0/3 on that front, so… yeah. It’s not impossible, but they’ll fight you every step of the way and then some. Creating/hijacking a third party and strategically contesting election will probably accomplish your goals faster. Remember that the only reason the GOP was taken over twice was because the party leadership approved of it.
Yeah people forget that the Democrat party doesn’t need to even hold primaries, let alone respect the outcome. The DNC admitted to pushing Hillary to the forefront and were the ones that dragged Biden out of retirement because it seemed like Bernie might win the second time. The good politicians seem like exceptions.
Need to start promoting working families type party.
I’m not talking about Presidential primaries. I’m talking about state and local. Make it so the Democratic Party is full of progressives, socialists, social democrats, whatever your favorite brand of left-wing politics is. I’d be dammed careful about communists because that word is a fucking non-starter with the American electorate. Hell socialism is as well but it’s not as poisonous as communism. When the party is full of… I don’t know the proper term because every word I think to use (leftist? Lefties, maybe?) has been co-opted to mean a specific ideology. But make it so the Democratic Party as a whole leans further left, and those people have to be tapped to fill key roles because their presence is so large.
You are absolutely wrong about creating/hacking third party. Ross Perot couldn’t pull it off despite spending about 80% what the major parties spent and capturing nearly 19% of votes in a vastly more friendly media environment. In order to achieve just that lofty level of irrelevance, a third party candidate would have to spend about $350 million and buy Fox News or Facebook. Third party isn’t going to happen. Presidential primary isn’t the place to start.
This is way. Democrat voters want change, but they’re not speaking to the system in a language it understands. The party changes not from the top down, but from the bottom up. That only happens when people with different views stand for, and win, lower level positions. Every voice changed lower down on the totem pole changes the presure on the people making decisions further up. Ultimately enough movement lower down means the top eschalons are pushed out and replaced too.
Whether it’s possible to find enough candidates to start filling the party, I don’t know, but just focusing on the primaries (or lack thereof) for the top job is missing the wood for the trees.
I volunteered this election with our state house district committee of the Democratic party. The grassroots is effectively neutered and you can believe that they are carefully managed to be sure nothing rises up that the national party cannot control.
The Democrats are managed opposition.
Thank you for putting the effort in. The party apparatus isn’t going to want to change, but I’m not sure that it’s managed opposition as such, so much as those who are ‘in’ being happy with their lot and doing what they feel they need to to stop that being taken away.
There’s two ways to use that to change the situation, either demonstrate that their comfortable position will be taken away if they don’t change their politics, or take it away by finding a candidate you can rally enough support behind. Neither is easy, and both require getting people involved en-mass at the lowest levels of politics, which is going to be hard work with the party pulling against you. It’s not impossible though, AOC and Sanders are both candidates of a different stripe and have, so far, held their places. Imagine how different things would be if they were replicated even a few times?
Make it so the Democratic Party is full of progressives, socialists, social democrats, whatever your favorite brand of left-wing politics is.
The problem is that they’ll, again, fight you every step of the way. An ideological takeover will have to happen over their dead bodies, and meanwhile they’ll keep demanding concessions so they don’t expel you from the party and disallow you from running for primaries. The crux of the issue with the ideological takeover route is that this contradiction will lose you legitimacy in the eyes of your supporters as you’re forced into compromise after compromise in order not to alienate the neoliberals, and they’ll give you fucking nothing in return.
Ross Perot couldn’t pull it off despite spending about 80% what the major parties spent and capturing nearly 19% of votes in a vastly more friendly media environment.
Uh… obviously you can’t win an election with only 19% of the vote?
Uh… obviously you can’t win an election with only 19% of the vote?
That’s exactly my point. No third party candidate will ever do that well again because the environment that enabled him will never exist again. He had 20% of all TVs tuned to his little whiteboard fireside chats in an age when there was nothing else to do.
No third party that isn’t self-funded by a multi-billionaire is ever going to have the money to spend like a major party, but even if they did, they would never have 20% doing nothing but watching and listening for 30 minutes, but even if they did they will still fucking lose. Horribly. Without a single electoral vote. Just like Ross.
No third party candidate will ever do that well again because the environment that enabled him will never exist again.
Ross did that well because of disappointment with the political establishment, which… gestures broadly. He also had clear issues that held back his campaign, issues that someone running for 2028 or 2032 will be able to fix. Also while the environment of 1992 won’t exist again, the environment of 2025 didn’t exist in 1992. In the words of (maybe) Winston Churchill: Never let a good crisis go to waste.
A Socialist party would not only not have a chance in hell, the votes it would siphon off would lead to a resounding victory for the Reich Wing. A strong Socialist candidate (or several) in the Democratic Primary wouldn’t win either, but would drag the debate to the left and force/enable the more moderate candidate to support the kinds of goals and programs that used to define the Democratic Party in order to win, without being labeled and dismissed as “Socialist” by swing voters. However, we’ve already seen what happened when leftists decided to sit out the General election because nobody was good enough for them.
Not just presidential matters. Local and state are much less fucked with. A 3rd party in first past the post just creates a split of neolib/socialists while the fascists remain united. Division in the American system is just a way to have the other party win. Republicans allowed the Tea party because that is what they wanted as well. Neolibs won’t allow a split progressive/socialist with the exception of Bernie (because how do you fuck with Vermont).
A 3rd party in first past the post just creates a split of neolib/socialists while the fascists remain united.
If you start local and strategically spread (or create a mass movement and go for the jugular) you can remove the neoliberals from the equation and make socialists and fascists the only two choices.
Or work to implement ranked choice voting. The more localities use it, the more comfortable people get with it (the primary anti-ranked choice argument is it’s “too confusing for voters”), the more chance it has to be adopted by more states beyond the current Maine and Alaska beachhead.
And. And work to implement ranked choice voting. The FPTP system is the root of all this. The reason you can’t realistically consider voting for a third party, and why those who did (or sat home since they had nothing realistic to vote for) handed power to Trump.
But all that will take time and is not going to help in the next couple of elections. So there also needs to be a short to medium term plan.
At the presidential level, yes the DNC has been terrible with candidates. However they aren’t in charge of the other races. They can give money, but they can’t stop Socialists and other leftists running in primaries and winning them or general elections from school board to senator and everything in between. They can make it harder for these people to win, but they can’t stop or control city, county, or state elections. We need a base of elected officials pushing them to change their tack.
However they aren’t in charge of the other races. They can give money, but they can’t stop Socialists and other leftists running in primaries and winning them or general elections from school board to senator and everything in between
Okay I could be wrong, but can they not make up excuses bar whoever they don’t like from primaries? Or make up other excuses and run their own neoliberal candidate and split the vote anyway? They just… nominated Harris in 2024 so clearly they’re not obligated to even hold primaries.
Presidential primaries are the weird ones because they’re spread over all the states. Otherwise candidates just need to do whatever to get on the ballot(usually gather signatures) and then win the election. Parties can throw their weight behind one candidate in particular but that’s not the same as declaring a winner. AOC got into Congress by beating a party backed incumbent in a primary.
No, it changes by having a chair that cares more about beating Republicans than beating progressives…
And we have that now
The fight over the party was over more than a month ago when the Chair election happened.
Neoliberals lost, the party of today is not the same party as 2 months ago, the chair is basically a dictatorship with all the power and zero accountability
Guess we’ll see. The only thing I’ve seen Dems (as a party) do in the past month is roll over and show their belly.
You’re talking about elected politicians.
That is not the DNC.
Party leadership isn’t the DNC.
For the past 30 years they’ve been intertwined, because we kept getting neoliberal chairs and the party leaders are neoliberals. And they worked together to prevent progressives from gaining ground.
Ken Martin wasn’t born yesterday, you can look at Minnesota and what they did under his leadership as state chair, and the type of politicians who got to office with his help.
He’s not perfect, but he won’t stand in the way of progress, and that’s all we need to get a non-neoliberal to the general in 2028.
The first time I read your comment, I thought you said it won’t be fixed through primaries and was genuinely flummoxed as to what you thought primaries were for.
Having read what you actually wrote – now –, the world is much more coherent.
If I stay home, that’ll show those Democrats
you had something ti vote for that was radically different from trump
you didn’t vote for it, you got trump
Try actually voting
A lesser of two evils is not radically different.
if people can’t see the difference between harris and trump at this point i completely understand why trump accidentally got elected
Time for the neoliberal world order to end
Monkey’s paw curls
We now have a fascist world order.
I mean the “neoliberal world order” was just facism abroad.
Pretty much.
…which is the true goal of these “hello there, fellow leftist” bastards who exclusively attack Democrats.
If they occupy the only space to defeat Trump and they do a bad job at it, of course they get “attacked.”
If they don’t want to be criticized, they shouldn’t be public figures. If they don’t want to have people have actual reasons to call them out, they shouldn’t have and keep unpopular policies. If they don’t want to represent their people, they shouldn’t be in office.
You act like them being politicians gives you the right to spread propaganda.
Propaganda = criticism
Got it, don’t call out your favorite team, they’re immune to critcism. Calling them out is
wokepropaganda. Sources proving them owned by corporations?DEI newsRussian media.
I think it’s the true goal of these “actually Joe Biden is great and you’re an idiot for thinking otherwise” bastards who exclusively attack leftists. Thinly veiled reverse psychology designed to piss people off into not voting or voting third party.
I’ll never get how they think critizing Democrats is a personal attack on them. I’ve never considered it despite being registered Dem for 99% of my time as a voter.
If you can get pissed off enough to vote for literal fucking Nazis, you deserve the attacks.
The democrat dinosaurs will panic, telling us the large donations will dry up, without which a campaign cannot be won.
Then we need to remind them that they’re not doing a whole lot of winning at the moment.
If I want a paycheck I have to do my job, if I don’t do my job I won’t get paid.
If they want donations they’re going to have to earn with with actions, not plans or promises.I mean, they are doing their job. It’s just that their job is to keep the left down, not to win.
Far out
Sounds great. But maybe you should get out of your bubble every now and then to realize that a party full of open socialists would 100% fail in the US.
I am aware of how popular Bernie’s policy goals are. It does not matter.
You might be right, but I also submit that, when talking to Trump voters (older family members of me and my friends mostly), instead of “proving them wrong” about Trump, I’ve been redirecting the conversation toward “isn’t all that bad stuff the fault of rich people?”, and it has had a 100% success rate so far. They fucking hate the wealthy too. They ain’t waving the red flag, but I bet a lot more of them would vote for someone just to screw over the rich than most people think.
Lately my emotions have tended toward anger at the apathetic middle, not the cartoon villains of the Penguin Administration.
I know it’s a minority view but I blame all this on the nice normal people that thought they had better things to do than pay attention to politics.
If you do not see the need for aggressive responses to lawlessness, you let this happen and I find you boring.
This has been my position since I was a teenager: centrists are the weak underbelly because they can’t pick a side and just want a middle ground.
Great sentiment, but you never have a side, a cause, and your “meaning” is always shifting to placate everyone else in the name of middleness.
To be fair to some of those people, they’re not all being unintentionally malicious. I used to call myself a centrist but that was in the transition phase between “conservative because everyone I know is” and “I have formed my own beliefs”. For most people that’s what the process of developing their opinions looks like. You don’t swing right from one extreme to the other. You take baby steps along the way. You start to see the cracks in what people around you are saying but you still mostly hear exaggerated caricatures of what the alternatives are so you’re sort of stuck in the middle because you don’t know where else it’s even possible to go.
Centrists are scum, but the truly disengaged “oh I don’t care about politics” people are much worse imo.
Compromise is an important part of government.
I too believe in centrism, so long as the parties are on equal footing and we apply ethics.
If the one side isn’t operating in good faith, and keeps shifting their view more and more extreme, the other side also needs to shift more and more extreme so that the compromise still ends up in the theoretical middle.
Current events are proof that your preconditions needed for compromise to work do not exist in the real world.
Replace “the real world” with “America” and you’re right. There is plenty of real world out here where there is no need to be tied to one party. In my parliamentary elections I’ve had 3 parties that I’ll choose from depending on what they’ve been doing recently. It all comes back to that stopid FPTP system forcing two parties on you.
A parliamentary system may be more resilient against fascist takeovers but this discussion is about the inherent foolishness of the centrist fallacy.
It’s a fallacy under any circumstances: do not compromise with people who are operating in bad faith.
That’s because the democrats refuse to move left and don’t have a backbone.
“my centrism isn’t a problem, it’s DEMOCRATS for not being left enough, because then my centrism would really be centered”
Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
You aren’t wrong about democrats being spineless, but Personally I could never try and compromise with someone who thinks my very existence and the existence of minorities gives them a reason to hate and persecute up to literal lynching and murder but that’s just me.
You missed the part about ethics. The compromise between murdering and not murdering minorities is to not murder minorities.
That is the dictionary definition of ‘not a compromise’.
The Democrats can’t have a backbone. They are owned by oligarch interests. Asking the Democrats to save you is asking a shark to stop another shark from eating you. They are rotten to the core.
If the democrats won’t do it, then a leftist party is required
Exactly. The Democrats are incapable of being the change we need.
To be fair, they kind of did exist for like… at least ~60 years. Many of us are old enough to remember what life in the 90s was like.
I would say the last time they existed was the 1970s when Nixon agreed to create an EPA he really didn’t want to that had fewer powers than its supporters really wanted. The 90s only seemed smooth because scumbag Clinton gave Republicans everything they wanted on welfare reform, criminal justice, telecom deregulation, intellectual property laws, and international trade.
And we still got Gingrich and the contract with America and Ken Starr and Sore Loserman for being so conciliatory
It’s never been perfect, and far from ideal, but it worked. Compare that to whatever the fuck it is we’re experiencing now, and it looks like a goddamn utopia.
And erased the deficit. Plus the first real attempt at national healthcare.
I mean, there’s good and bad. We could have that or we could have all bad.
Until some of you start running and finding out what it means to win an election we default to whoever they’ve got queued up.
Dude, no. The 90s were better than now because the ball was closer to the top of the hill and hadn’t been rolling back down as long. The strong worker protections, economic regulations, and tax policy that built the middle class during the 50s and 60s started to be dismantled in the 70s because of compromising with economic extremists. They started blaming everything that made a strong middle class possible for high inflation and have been doing it for every economic woe since.
On the other end, the only reason many of those laws were able to be passed in the first place is because FDR and company dragged us there over the objections of the same group.
The best times this country has had economically were never because the neoliberals and their predecessors back through the robber barons were less extreme and more reasonable, but because we had politicians who were up to the task of kicking the shit out of them and overcoming their influence.
I mean, what is the compromise here exactly? Don’t deport all the children with cancer? Only shut down half of the department of education?
Did you not read the ethics part? The ethical compromise between fuck over DoE and not fuck over DoE is not fuck over DoE. Democrats should be moving left
Sorry, I misread your comment.
This is what Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here is about. A book about the rise of fascism in the US written in 1935.
If “did not vote” was a candidate, it would have won every presidential election in modern history.
I have plenty of anger for both groups.
i was saying where were “you before and during the election protesting, when the REPUBLICANS were up in arms in rallies all year long defending trump” this all the people that are complaining now that they dint do when was elected or before. oh wait, just after the election; the responses were i couldnt be bothered, or did not vote because im not even benefiting from this now, ro forgot.
On an article talking about how Dems failed voters…
There’s always going to be someone blaming voters and saying asking for representation is undemocratic…
All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
If it’s minority, then I’m right next to you and will gladly stay mad at the 40% that gave fuck all about this election. I fucking hate each one of them. I’ve never hated abstract people before, but in my 54 years, I’ve never been utterly ashamed and sad to be an American.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way - not that a pressure campaign to reform the Democratic Party will be easy, but it’d be sure a hell of a lot easier than trying to primary them out or form a new party. We should try to change them but we need to prepare for every eventuality.
The fact is that nothing is going to change if we can’t change or replace the Democrats first.
We’re working on it.
In SF for example I’ve started working my ass off for Saikat Chakrabarti (former AOC Chief-of-Staff) to unseat Nancy Pelosi in 2 years.
Truly, for all the people I talk to who say, “but what can I do? I live in liberal stronghold X”. NOW is your chance to do something important.
Hold your Democratic leaders accountable, contact them, threaten to throw all of your time and energy into supporting their primary opposition, make them sweat. If they don’t step it up, follow through on your threat and start getting involved with alternative leaders who are ready and eager to fight.
deleted by creator
What would constitute fighting?
People keep complaining about Democrats not doing anything, but under current constraints there isn’t much they can do.
People seem to spend more time complaining about Democrats not opposing Republicans than they do complaining about Republicans destroying America.
The damage Trump and Musk can do is directly proportional to how fast they can speedrun fascism before they lose the House and maybe the Senate in the midterms. So the main lever that our elected Democratic reprentatives actually have is slowing down that effort in any way they can. That means filibustering, delaying votes, interrupting, shaking canes, getting escorted out, etc etc. Generally throwing sand in the gears of the administration. It’s not just performative, although that’s part of it. It’s to slow-roll the fascism so we have a better chance to fight it.
For one, let the goverment shut down. The majority of people will blame the president no matter the circumstances.
The majority of Congressional Democrats tried to let the government shut down.
I hear you - I see plenty of outrage about Republican action though. What can Democrats really do but try to rely on Judges to do their jobs and campaign until midterms. Maybe they can rally enough people to march on Washington, but that may just speed up authoritarian gains.
Both sides seem to always act like the other side is tyrannical because the other side is doing things they don’t like. And unless they cheated, they are doing what they were voted in to do. (Unless they lied about what they were going to do.)
Democrats hit 27% approval this week…
That’s ironically the level Schumer said Dems would start doing stuff when Trump hit.
No one likes neoliberals, or their policies
It’s just not an effective political strategy, regardless of how you try to look at it. Even ignoring popularity with voters, even when neoliberals get elected, they refuse to do anything.
The entire purpose of it is doing nothing, it’s political nihilism.
No one likes neoliberals
51% of voters consistently vote for Democrats.
Barack fucking OBAMA was a neoliberal.
If you think neolibs are unpopular, you’re in quite a bubble.
It’s not like people have a lot of choice. George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are also neoliberals.
Global warming is crushing it right now. Does that make it popular? Tf?
Kind of, yeah. I don’t think the analogy holds up though. Half the population doesn’t think neolibs are fake news.