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The original was posted on /r/mildlyinteresting by /u/miyog on 2025-03-14 16:02:13+00:00.
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The original was posted on /r/mildlyinteresting by /u/miyog on 2025-03-14 16:02:13+00:00.
I think her end goal is to get a divorce. A prerequisite of this goal is to get married, and to get married she has to bamboozle some schmuck into proposing.
See, it turns out that men actually do communicate pretty well, but we do it by saying aloud words that have widely agreed upon definitions that most closely resemble the ideas in our head, instead of whatever the hell it is women do. I bet the self-ignorant little bitch even accused him of “wasting her time.”
“I TOLD YOU I wasn’t looking for anything long-term.”
Someone took mask off, didn’t she? Let him know she actually holds a very low opinion of him, that what she wants has nothing to do with you as a living being, probably spoken in a way that indicates she doesn’t even conceptualize you as one? Yeah. Keep the mask on at all times, ladies.
The euphemisticalness of this one is just delicious. Which specific timelines are these? Could you write down a comprehensive list of “everything you want”? I’m willing to wager the presence and company of the man you’re dating isn’t on that list, is it Miss Widow To Be?
Until it came apart in whatever incident lead to point 2, we were seeing some success with fake compliments. Experiments shall continue.
We’re grown up enough to have sex but we’re not grown up enough to talk directly about it even to ourselves. Intimacy with a man is not the goal, it is the means by which she intends to achieve her goal.
Men drop your ass when they find out what you’re really about, huh princess? Better keep them in the dark for longer.
Gotta find that dude who can’t find any better prospects than you within three months.