What do you mean by this? My searching isn’t bringing up any such cases, just Wisconsinites charged with Jan 6 crimes getting pardoned, so I’d be keen to read about it.
What like overriding state law and trying to order a state prison to release someone? I don’t get how that relates back to Wisconsin, what’s happening there?
Man I don’t even think step two would happen before trump pardons them. The US is so fucked.
EDIT: As an example of what you said, a sociopath who has recently bought a Tesla is the fucking president of the US
He can’t pardon in state levels yet, they’re testing that in Wisconsin.
What do you mean by this? My searching isn’t bringing up any such cases, just Wisconsinites charged with Jan 6 crimes getting pardoned, so I’d be keen to read about it.
Edit: Did you mean Minnesota? https://thehill.com/homenews/5180269-trump-derk-chauvin-pardon/
No, not like that. I meant being in control of state government.
What like overriding state law and trying to order a state prison to release someone? I don’t get how that relates back to Wisconsin, what’s happening there?