Before you suggest those don’t really match the font of the brand.
I’d be happy to learn about any sources for this, but specifically I’m looking for the font used on the back of a Toyota RAV4 which seems to be consistent for the past 15 or so model years. It’d be very cool if someone sold the OEM lettering.
This is one of those jobs that seems tailor made for 3D printing.
You may not find the font you need exactly, but you can probably doodle something up that’ll be close enough to get the point across, especially if you can get a good scan or image of the letters you have got, and copy them (and their style).
3D print your parts (in ASA/ABS or a fairly heat resistant material is probably a good idea) and use copper electroplating spray on it and then nickel plate the shit out of it to make it silver and shiny. Nickel plating is easy to do at home (unlike chrome plating) and pretty tough to screw up.
Most car badges aren’t actually plated anyways, they could save themselves a whole lot of trouble and just get some chrome spray paint and make it shiny still
I’ve never actually successfully made anything shiny with that type of “chrome” spray paint. But they can give it a shot.
You’re right that most car badges are plastic anyway, covered with a thin veneer of that flaky chrome effect stuff. I have no idea if it’s actually chrome or just some kind of shiny plastic, a hot-dip process, some kind of PVD or sputtering, or what.
I once had a vintage Jaguar and some jerk stole the chrome lettering off of it. I suppose that is a way to get a good match.
You could always talk to a graphic designer who specializes in font design.
Or if you want to drop down that rabbit hole, there’s font creation software that’ll let you make whatever you want.
Find something close and edit it in that to get what you want. It’s been forever since I did this so I don’t even know what apps are available these days to recommend.
Then 3d print it at your local library.
Pretty sure you could get a useful product with a high quality chrome rattlecan.
If you want to deface Teslas: You can use any font since they don’t have these. Get “I’m a dumbass” in Comic Sans to slap on Cybertrucks.
No expert, but it seems unlikely. My understanding is that big brands generally use custom fonts, so you’re unlikely to find generic lettering that matches. But maybe you can find something close enough?
To replace a missing badge or say something funny?
More towards the funny side. Just looking to customize my car with the same font
If the same letters can be reused I might try a junkyard. If not, maybe 3D printing and chrome paint?
Just FYI I have used mirror foil and an x.acto knife with silicone glue with great effect in the past.
Probably can’t, fonts are copyright protected.
You could find something that looks close though, and just redo the entire badge.
Aren’t fonts specifically NOT subject to copyright? Besided, if you don’t sell, copyright doesn’t apply.
Fonts are protected in the US, but most don’t care if it isn’t being used for profit.
Do you need it to be raised lettering? If not, that seems like a very simple thing that anyone with a cricut or silhouette could make. Maybe search Etsy for custom decals if you don’t know anyone personally with one of those machines
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