Sorry if the premise is inflammatory, but I’ve been stymied by this for a while. How did we go from something like 1940s era collectivism or 1960s era leftism to the current bizarro political machine that seems to have hypnotized a large portion (if not majority) of the country? I get it - not everything is bad now, and not everything was good then. FDR’s internment camps, etc.
That said - our country seems to be at a low point in intellectualism and accountability. The DHHS head is an antivaxxer, the deputy chief of the DOJ is a far-right podcast nutball, etc. Their supporters seem to have no nuance to their opinion beyond “well, Trump said he’d fix the economy and I don’t like woke.”
Have people always been this unserious and unquestioning, or are we watching the public’s sanity unravel in real time? Or am I just imagining some idealistic version of the past that never existed, where politicians acted in good faith and people cared about the social order?
And this is why the Left can’t win.
It’s too obsessed with purity and infighting to focus on the true enemy.
The fascists, on the other hand, focus on the true enemy, then focus on purity and infighting!
I should’ve put a /s at the end. The joke was too good.
If you keep thinking there is a left in America, you have to stop looking at Fox and right wing sources. It’s center right at most
those people you call “fascists” are too selfish to be fascists. Trump and his minions don’t care about their nation or the well being of its state and people.
Fascists are always selfish. The claims about caring about the nation or anything else are always a front. They are the marketing, not the product. The product is always self-enrichment, which is exactly the goal of the Trump regime. They are archetypal fascists.
Most leftists are unarmed finger waggling sign-holders.
We spent the last thirty years making gun control a priority, making anywhere near a blue state or democrat controlled city impossible to buy a gun, making democrat/Leftist protests just impotent and likely helped with police training rather than change policies or influencepoliticians tonl protect LGBTQ.
Meanwhile Bubba and his redneck Republican states allowed him to have his ergonimic advanced arsenals delivered to his front door from online purchases at cheaper prices.
And if you, whoever you are casually scrolling by this random nested comment, as a Leftist who wants to rebuke me, prove it by posting a pic of your gun. That’s right, you don’t have one and can’t protect our trans folk if they needed our help, you think fascist cops would do that. GTFO of here.
I’m reliably accurate to about 800 yards and I really don’t like fascist assholes.
It’s also not hard to buy a gun, that’s just a bunch of baloney, even here in CA. Yes there are carry restrictions, and yes it’s more involved than other states, but buying one is not as difficult as people make it out to be.
That thing looks cool af and Magpul furniture looks decent, but know that MAGA not only own disproportionately way more guns than you, they also aren’t worried about joining militias and regularly train with their morbidly obese friends, meanwhile you are trying to solo these inbred fucks and will 100% die to them if they start shit.
It’s not a Magpul, I forget the brand but it’s super comfy.
My small town is very heavily armed, but is also way more moderate (purple) than anything. Sure we have our far right wingnuts, but they tend to be on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum in these parts. They tried forming a militia a while back, and most everyone in town just laughed at them. A lot of of us enjoy going shooting regularly (when it’s not freezing out), and I’m certainly not trying to take on the gravy seals by myself lol. My good buddies and I have contingency plans in place in case shit goes sideways in the worst of ways.
What? Your barrel shroud is Magpul, your pistol grip is Magpul, your bipod is Magpul, your p-mag might be Magpul, and your stock looks like a Magpul too. Your lower looks like Aero and the upper looks like cheap off-brand. Your Vortex optic likely costs more than your entire gun for no reason i can imagine for such a low caliber, and is too high a magnification for 5.56/.223 unless you use +p+ ammo
Did you just purchase this shit and not know what the fuck you own? Please don’t be a stereotype moron Lefty who bought a gun and knows nothing about it and never trains with it (hint, you definitely are).
Damn dude, chill out. You’re assumptions are out of this world and it’s laughable.
I can tell you’re blowing smoke out of your ass because anyone with eyes and rudimentary gun knowledge would be able to tell pretty quickly this is an ar-10, not 15. This was built for me by a buddy, the optic and stock I purchased after the fact. Yes the optic is overkill for this particular rifle, and will likely get transferred to my 30-06. The image is from the shop where we signed the transfer paperwork.
You’re showing your colors as a stereotypical arrogant keyboard warrior, who takes their assumptions and runs a marathon with them, parading around like a pathetic asshat to make yourself feel better. Grow up and be better.
Explain to me how a gun would help you when police or government agents or even just a rowdy local militia come knocking on your door, I’m genuinely interested in hearing how you think that will play out.
It completely changes how they act with you. It goes from them fearlessly stomping you, to respectfully cautious because they don’t want to die. It’s almost as if people only respond to threats of violence. Otherwise why the fuck do we bother building nukes? If Ukraine never gave up their nukes, Russians would have never invaded. If Vietnamese farmers didn’t fight with AKs, that entire region would look different. Go read a fucking history book. Quit being a pacifist pussy
Lmao to quote you, GTFO out here with that
Please elaborate your nonsense comment
I think you better go ask someone on your opposing political spectrum if they’d leave you alone if they found out you had a gun when knocking on your door to arrest or harm you.
I think you’re in denial that deterrence using threats of violence works better than pacifism and
you areI am likely a pathetic loser.Do you treat people who bully you with respect hoping they reciprocate?
You seem to think your enemies will respect you, lol…
Ergonomic is bad now? Should I throw out my ergonomic keyboard? My keyboard might assault someone!
You should work on reading comprehension and I need to work on writing better. If Bubba can shoot you from his diabetic mobility scooter, then ergonomic is good. Don’t know where the fuck you took it as a bad thing