…I fucking hate how good the photoshop job here is.
You’re fucking right, they should’ve used AI instead! /s
can we not? I hate seeing this cunts face
I’ve included
and evenUSpol
in the title; if you dislike it, filter it out. I’d say I’ve done enough by tagging the post with relevant keywords, it’s up to you to block them.Agreed. It’s the shitpost com, so fair game I guess, but all of us humans do this thing where the more we see or hear something the more we soften toward it subconsciously. It’s almost the basis of advertising. That’s good in general, but not in this case, fuck this dude forever. I don’t want my subconscious tryna tell me otherwise just cuz people enjoy the lols, but hey, that’s me.
Let’s me imagine something else to punch instead of nearby walls when I read the news
Ooh I like that USPol thing. Would love to see that become common practice so people can filter better
its actually very popular over on mastodon to nsfw tag posts “uspol”. Would be nice to see here as well
The entity known as “J.D. Vance” is a fragment of an ancient demon turned memetic virus and I don’t remember why I started writing this but I’m going to post it anyway.
A long time ago the pharaohs of Egypt were looking to protect their tombs, and they needed to create warriors that could outlast the crushing passage of time. To facilitate this they found a demon and encoded it into linguistic format and bound it within their hieroglyphics.
This was pretty okay until the printing press became a thing. Since then we’ve had to take extra measures to protect ourselves but incidents are pretty isolated. But then a mad bastard made newspapers and then the godsdamned internet and now the thing is free on a global scale.
It hates life! It hates everything! You’d think that’d be fun but it’s just godsdamned lame! It just bureaucratizes people to death. There isn’t a more horrible fate. So dumb.
scp description be like
He’s one of those American politics blokes right? Someone into Trump and all them lot.
He’s the Vice President of USA
This exact post is on the front page of /r/conservative heh
Thanks I hate it.