They blamed it on the communist party, yes. There were 8 parties represented in the Reichstag at the time though.
They blamed it on the communist party, yes. There were 8 parties represented in the Reichstag at the time though.
I am a bit confused tbh 😅
The link you send links to docker projects, the link I sent is the second one of those. Seems pretty straightforward?
But to be fair, I have never used docker for any of this. In my nix config, it’s literally just:
services.prowlarr.enable = true;
services.prowlarr.openFirewall = true;
There’s not really anything you need to configure host-side. Prowlarr needs to be able to communicate with sonarr and radarr (same as jackett), but otherwise it’s basically stateless.
Yeaaaaaaahh the auth thing is really, really complicated to selfhost. There’s a docker project out there that apparently makes it possible, but… No idea. FOr the time being I still use FF’s auth - that’s still an improvement though: Mozilla knows that I am logging in / from what kind of device, but not the content or amount of what I sync.
Spend the rest of my life on a Culture orbital or GSV? FUCK YEAH
Probably… I mean, I’d at least start it in a systemd service, but sure, you don’t need a domain.
But of course your mobile won’t be able to access that domain outside your network
No idea - this is my firefox sync NixOS config, in its entirety:
age.secrets.ffsync.rekeyFile = secrets.ffsync;
services.firefox-syncserver = {
enable = true;
secrets = config.age.secrets.ffsync.path;
settings.hostname = "localhost";
singleNode = {
enable = true;
hostname = "";
capacity = 2;
You can self-host Firefox sync
Yes - but I have no idea about docker, sorry. Have it running baremetal (or rather, in a proxmox VM).
Just a hunch, but in case you “only” share the directory where Sonarr puts Episode files with Jellyfin via some mount point or whatever, and not the directory where Sonarr gets them from (where the torrent client downloads to), then I can see hardlinks breaking in unexpected ways
Sorry to hear that that’s been your experience! :( My installation has been running for ~5 years without any problems
Yeah no worries - I discovered Prowlarr from that exact same comment years ago so jumped at the opportunity to post it here 😆
Real question is, why Jackett instead of Prowlarr? 😄
I have one big frustration with that: Your voice input has to be understood PERFECTLY by TTS.
If you have a “To Do” list, and speak “Add cooking to my To Do list”, it will do it! But if the TTS system understood:
The system will say it couldn’t find that list. Same for the names of your lights, asking for the time,… and you have very little control over this.
HA Voice Assistant either needs to find a PERFECT match, or you need to be running a full-blown LLM as the backend, which honestly works even worse in many ways.
They recently added the option to use LLM as fallback only, but for most people’s hardware, that means that a big chunk of requests take a suuuuuuuper long time to get a response.
I do not understand why there’s no option to just use the most similar command upon an imperfect matching, through something like the Levenshtein Distance.
Also getting rid of my T1 Diabetes and re-doing my transition, but yeah! Hedonism as well!