Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This absolute garbage feature was spotted in the wild, take a look here.
Why? Well, probably because Dodge badly needs the money. The brand’s U.S. sales plummeted 29% in 2024
This’ll help sales, I’m sure.
Stellantis looking at all that blank ad space on your infotainment console: “It’s free real estate!”
Capitalism is an ouroborus
Hey so I’m getting this thing on my new Charger, I think it’s a check engine light?
This literally happened to Jeeps a month ago.
“It should also be noted that ads are part of your contractual agreement with SiriusXM, but we are working on the frequency,” replied a Jeep Cares representative. “Thank you for your patience.”
A Stellantis spokesperson told Fortune in a statement that “a temporary software glitch affected the ability to instantly opt out in a few isolated cases, though instant opt-out is the standard for all our in-vehicle messages. Our team had already identified and corrected the error, and we are following up directly with the customer to ensure the matter is fully resolved.”
Fool me once, Stellantis…
Companies sure so have a lot of “glitches” and “technical difficulties” when they’re introducing controversial features that forces it on a group of people, only to be nearly immediately removed with all kinds of excuses… And then the feature is forced for everyone within a few months.
Almost like it’s NOT unintentional, they’re NOT experiencing technical difficulties, and they’re actually just testing the waters before diving in, with neatly 0 intent to pull back unless the consumers put upenoigh of a fuss the company execs get scared.
I will not buy or watch anything with ads. I can’t stand ads. Ads represent everything wrong with the US and capitalism. Just not stop shit shoveled into our faces.
Any minute now one of those brave-browser idiots will be along to tell us all how great ads are because they can make us aware of products that we had not yet discovered or remind us of products we didn’t know were near by.
What does this have to do with brave-browser users?
I’ve noticed brave users are some of the biggest useful idiots on the internet.
I genuinely think there are 2 classes of brave users: people who are invested in the company trying to viral market it, and the morons who fall for it.
I use it on my mobile devices to avoid youtube ads. Because i’ve yet to find a better way to avoid them on a tablet or phone.
If you have a better option for iphone/ipad, i’m willing to try it.
Brave derives revenue from advertising.
Brave devotees are the only people I’ve ever seen defending advertising as a user friendly revenue model.
I had no idea lol I use brave just to avoid ads which is why I’m confused.
Brave is involved in a crypto scam and is backed by conservative evil fuck Peter thiel
Thanks for the heads up.
I’d suggest you change to Firefox, but they have made some… troubling changes to their privacy policy recently, so it may be a good idea to use a debranded port of it instead.
Afaik that’s mostly FUD and was debunked.
I’m still not happy with Mozilla throwing money down the AI toilet.
you have 48 hours to uninstall brave or you will be thoroughly cancelled.
on lemmy, using the browser you are currently using is tantamount to getting a maga tattoo
you may delay the cancellation by 24 hours by promoting your affinity for linux installs, or swearing that you will switch to a non USA produced kind of ketchup
also, no nicole for you until you reform from your evil ways
Welp every manufacturer that shows this should go down immediately upon first offense.
Not even kidding, this should be corporate suicide.
Dodge and Jeep are (well Jeep already was tbh) both firmly on the “actively speak out against” list. If I was in a place of hugely inflated power, I would dismantle the entire company, and sell it to whoever that company likes the least.
This should honestly be a brand ending scenario in less than 5 seconds after the first ad. CEO should be in the bread line TODAY from getting hit with this.
ABSOLUTE zero tolerance. There are no valid arguments against this and I will die on this hill.
Jeep and Dodge are both owned by Stellantis :) It’s one shit-circus out of
Francethe Netherlands (corrected because apparently I don’t know geography).On the good news front, the market is beating them like a rented mule. Dodge alone is down 29% in sales year-over-year.
Dodge alone is down 29% in sales year-over-year.
“Clearly we need to add more AI, internet of shit, microtransactions and advertising on the cars to compensate!” - Stellantis CEO
Actually, Stellantis has their global HQ in Hoofddorp, Netherlands.
You are… very correct about that!
I somehow got my wires crossed and assumed that the PSA Group (who got rolled up into Stellantis) was still the home base. Thanks for the correction.
I had never heard of Stellantis until the comments on this post.
That’s at least a little good news, but I want day-after total zero existence for stunts like this.
As in executed the day after murder kind of immediate punishment. In this case, total, irrevocable punishment.
C suite people literally living in shelters fighting for leftovers at a food bank after paying out years of employee salaries and benefits kind of punishment.
You can’t just fine people like this for crimes. You have to actually take away money and the ability to accrue more than enough to live on.
Wow, if you’re this fired up about car dashboard ads, wait until you hear what Google’s been doing with your data.
Yeah I’m not exactly happy about that either.
I was trying to stay on topic about this. That’s a whole different rant.
Plus, things spread before they get worse. This is a line that shouldn’t be crossed by anything in any way. The inside of my car is a nice little island. It should stay that way.
I feel pretty much everybody would agree with that. Even the ones open to it probably just want to make the money from it without having to deal with it themselves.